
Mise à jour de la plate-forme MemberMouse (Version 2.4.3 & 2.4.4)

MemberMouse 2.4.4 is now available – you can update directly from the link on your WordPress Dashboard or download using the link below to mise à niveau manuelle.

MemberMouse 2.4.4 contains all the terrific features of our previous release (2.4.3) at the end of April with a couple of improvements.

This is another big release for us and for you because we are introducing Cours pour MemberMouse! Now you can add the ability to create, sell and moderate courses directly within the MemberMouse plugin, no additional plugin or LMS required. We've also included functionality to create and include Quizzes in your course as well as offer a Certificate upon completion.

This new extension plus some other highlights of the release are detailed below. You can find a complete listing of all the elements of version 2.4.3/2.4.4 in the notes de mise à jour.

Cours pour MemberMouse
Cours pour MemberMouse This new extension allows courses to be created in MemberMouse without a third-party Learning Management System (LMS). Now you can combine the functionality and flexibility of MemberMouse's content protection, checkout and upsell features directly with course creation and delivery all in one concise interface. Drip content is supported too, allowing your lessons to unlock over time. Classroom Mode provides a simple, attractive, and customizable template for displaying your courses and lessons. Quizzes and downloadable course completion certificates can be added as well.

Courses for MemberMouse is available for all current MemberMouse plans ~ Basic, Plus, Pro and Elite. Quizzes and Certificates are available for Plus, Pro and Elite plans.

Legacy Premium and Professional MemberMouse plan customers will also have access to Courses, Quizzes and Certificates. Those on other legacy MemberMouse plans will need to switch to a currently offered plan for access to these extensions.

Build and customize course curriculum visually with a drag-and-drop builder

Courses for MemberMouse makes use of Gutenberg blocks to allow drag and drop lesson and quiz blocks. You can add videos, text, images, and downloadable materials, as well as copy lessons and quizzes from other courses. All of this can be done within the Courses menu tab, there is no need to worry about creating or managing pages, subpages and custom post types.

Mode salle de classe is selected by default and allows you to build a clean, organized presentation of each course and lesson. Prompts to go to the next or previous lesson are included (top or bottom of the page, or both). You can also customize delivery pages with brand colors, logo and featured images.

Progress Tracking Built-in

Students can track progress on their My Account page through a new Courses section. All of their courses will be listed there as well as the percentage complete. Scores on quizzes that have been taken as well as any certificates earned also display here. Instructors that have admin access can also track progress students progress by clicking on the Participants column located next to each Course listing.

Leverage MemberMouse's flexible content protection to restrict access and create cross-sell opportunities

Restrict access through the same membership and bundle MemberMouse functionality as other content on your site. MemberMouse’s Grant Access interface can be located on each Course page, in the MemberMouse Options panel, and allows you to protect content with two clicks. The access provided will protect all lessons and quizzes within that course. Multiple membership levels and/or bundles can be included.

You also have the ability to implement the Drip Content feature on courses, either directly through the Grant Access interface or by using the Drip Content Scheduler.

Finally, you can choose to tease courses on the courses page to members who do not yet have access. These will show as locked and when clicked you can specify the landing page, sales page or checkout page that they’ll be redirected to. Take advantage of MemberMouse’s ability to show gated content sur ces pages de vente afin d'augmenter l'intérêt et le nombre d'opt-ins.

Add quizzes to your courses

Quizzes with true/false, multiple choice, multiple selection, short answer, or long essay questions can be added through the same interface as lessons. Points can be assigned to each question, wrong answer corrections can be shown and you can choose to make the quiz completion mandatory before moving on to the next lesson. Quiz results can be viewed both by the student and the instructor/admin. This feature available on the Plus plan or above.

Offer downloadable certificates of completion

Certificates are just as straightforward to create as quizzes. There is a separate Certificates menu tab in the Courses interface. From there you can choose the certificate style and size, add top and bottom logos, give the certificate a title and footer message, and add the instructor's name, title, and signature. The resulting certificate will download as a pdf. This feature available on the Plus plan or above.

Stripe Connect
Stripe Connect Simply connect MemberMouse and Stripe with only your login credentials. No more searching for, copying and pasting API keys in order to get the Stripe payment integration up and running.

Mise à niveau de MemberMouse
Ne vous laissez pas distancer Nous encourageons vivement tous ceux qui utilisent encore les versions 2.3.0 et inférieures à mise à jour vers la dernière version. Depuis la version 2.3.0, de nombreuses améliorations ont été apportées à la sécurité et au fonctionnement, notamment la prise en charge de l'authentification forte des clients et du GDPR, sans parler des nouvelles fonctionnalités et des corrections de bugs. Pour les mises à jour manuelles, vous pouvez utiliser ce lien pour télécharger la dernière version. Vous pouvez également trouver des liens pour toutes les versions précédentes dans la rubrique Versions de MemberMouse article.
Si vous avez des questions sur la mise à jour, n'hésitez pas à les poser ! Envoyez-nous un courriel à [email protected].

Updating to MemberMouse 2.4.4

Pour bénéficier des nouveaux outils et fonctionnalités, vous devez mettre à jour la nouvelle version.

Read the full release notes for 2.4.4.

Cynthia Bennett

Cynthia est responsable de l'expérience client chez MemberMouse.

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