
Datos del socio SmartTag™ (MM_Member_Data )

This tag outputs data associated with the currently logged in member.


nombre – Indicates what type of data to output from the current member's account. Below is a list of acceptable values:

idOutputs the current member's ID
firstNameOutputs the current member's first name
apellidoOutputs the current member's last name
nombre de usuarioOutputs the current member's username
contraseñaOutputs the current member's password only in the Welcome Email. In all other cases, it will output astericks.

Please refer to 2.2.3 Notas de la versión para más información.
correo electrónicoOutputs the current member's email address
teléfonoOutputs the current member's phone number
registrationDateOutputs the current member's registration date.

Optionally use the ‘dateFormat' attribute to indicate how the date should be formatted. For more information, see the ‘dateFormat' attribute below.
statusChangedDateOutputs the date of the last status change on the current member's account.

Optionally use the ‘dateFormat' attribute to indicate how the date should be formatted. For more information, see the ‘dateFormat' attribute below.
expirationDateOutputs the current member's expiration date.

Optionally use the ‘dateFormat' attribute to indicate how the date should be formatted. For more information, see the ‘dateFormat' attribute below.
cancellationDateOutputs the current member's cancellation date.

Optionally use the ‘dateFormat' attribute to indicate how the date should be formatted. For more information, see the ‘dateFormat' attribute below.
daysAsMemberOutputs the number of days the current member has been a member
membershipIdOutputs the ID of the current member's membership level
membershipNameOutputs the name of the current member's membership level
statusIdOutputs the ID of the current member's status
statusNameOutputs the name of the current member's status
daysWithBundle_#Outputs the number of days the current member has had the bundle with ID # applied to their account.

If they don't have the bundle applied to their account, -1 will be returned.

For example, if the ID of the bundle is 4, you would use MM_Member_Data name='daysWithBundle_4′ to retrieve the number of days it's been applied to the member's account.
customField_#Outputs the current member's value for the custom field with ID #.

For example, if the ID of the custom field that stores birthday is 4 then to output the current member's birthday you would use MM_Member_Data name='customField_4′.

This attribute should not be used with Producto adquirido push notifications when custom field information is collected on the checkout form.
dirección de facturaciónOutputs the current member's billing address
facturaciónCityOutputs the current member's billing city
billingStateOutputs the current member's billing state
billingZipCodeOutputs the current member's billing zip code
facturaciónPaísOutputs the current member's billing country
shippingAddressOutputs the current member's shipping address
envíoCiudadOutputs the current member's shipping city
shippingStateOutputs the current member's shipping state
shippingZipCodeOutputs the current member's shipping zip code
shippingCountryOutputs the current member's shipping country

formato de fecha (opcional) – By default, dates will be output in the format: Oct 14, 2023 12:14 pm. If you want to use a custom date format, use this attribute to specify what format you want the date to be in. Use reglas de formato de fecha estándar de PHP al definir un formato personalizado.

Hi [MM_Member_Data name='firstName']!

Here are your login credentials:
Username: [MM_Member_Data name='username']
Password: [MM_Member_Data name='password']
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