
Mise à niveau de MemberMouse

We're constantly improving MemberMouse with enhancements and new features. As a result, you'll be notified about upgrading your MemberMouse software from time to time in order to take advantage of the latest features.

Si vous installez MemberMouse pour la première fois, cliquez ici pour obtenir des instructions étape par étape sur l'installation de MemberMouse.

IMPORTANT : If you have a cache plugin activated on your WordPress site, make sure that you clear the cache following the MemberMouse upgrade. Read this article to en savoir plus sur l'utilisation de plugins de cache avec MemberMouse.

Meilleures pratiques de mise à niveau

La mise à jour du logiciel de votre production en direct peut être une perspective décourageante. Cependant, nous vous encourageons à ne pas laisser cela vous empêcher de profiter des nouvelles fonctionnalités et des corrections de bogues incorporées dans nos versions. Nous faisons de notre mieux pour que le processus de mise à jour se déroule le mieux possible en effectuant des tests internes et bêta rigoureux.

Cela dit, il nous est impossible de couvrir tous les environnements possibles dans lesquels MemberMouse peut fonctionner - nous utilisons tous des thèmes et des plugins différents et nous fonctionnons sur des environnements de serveur différents, ce qui introduit un grand nombre de variables - c'est pourquoi il est généralement conseillé de suivre les étapes suivantes lorsque vous apportez des modifications à un environnement de production :

1. If you have a staging site that mirrors your live site, we recommend installing the latest version of MemberMouse there and running through some of the essential features of your site to ensure there are no conflicts between MemberMouse and any other plugins you're running.

2. Prior to upgrading your live site, make a backup of your site so if necessary, you can revert. If you need to, you can télécharger une version précédente du plugin MemberMouse.

3. Prior to upgrading, make sure to review the notes de mise à jour au cas où vous devriez prendre des mesures dans le cadre de la mise à niveau.

Upgrading MemberMouse to the Latest Version
  1. When a new version of MemberMouse is available, you'll see a notification bar at the top of your pages within the WordPress admin area. Click the Please update now link to go to the WordPress Plugins page.

    Remarque : If you don't see the upgrade notification and you are on an older version of MemberMouse, from the MemberMouse menu, click on Paramètres généraux, and then from the Gérer l'installation Dans le menu, cliquez sur Réparer Installer. Following this, go to the MemberMouse dashboard, and you should see the upgrade notification. If you are still not seeing the notification, you can follow these instructions to manually upgrade.

  2. Once on the WordPress Plugins page, scroll down to the MemberMouse plugin, and you'll see a message that says there's a new version of the MemberMouse plugin available. Click the update now link to start the update process.

  3. On most servers, after clicking the update now link, the update process will start automatically. However, sometimes additional security is required by the server, and WordPress will ask for your FTP credentials. Just fill out the form and click Procéder.

  4. During the update process, there's a short period of time when the MemberMouse plugin will be unavailable while old files are being updated with new files. On most hosting platforms, the update process will complete within 5-20 seconds, but in some cases, if your server performance is slow, it could take up to 2 minutes to complete. Please be patient and let the update complete fully. You should see something similar to this when the update has completed successfully.

    IMPORTANT : Once the plugin has been successfully updated, you need to manually reactivate it by clicking the Activer le plugin link on the Install Plugin page or by returning to the WordPress Plugins page, scrolling down to the MemberMouse plugin and clicking Activer.

  5. Following a MemberMouse upgrade, you may see a notification bar with a message that says that MemberMouse can't use the cache.

    MemberMouse utilizes a directory on your server to cache files in order to increase performance. When this message displays, it means that MemberMouse can't write to that directory because of a permissions issue. To correct this and allow MemberMouse to utilize the cache directory, just click the Cliquez ici pour corriger cette erreur lien. Selon la configuration de votre serveur, WordPress peut vous demander vos identifiants FTP pour continuer.

    NOTE : When attempting to activate the plugin, if you receive the error “There was a problem downloading all the libraries necessary for proper MemberMouse function. You will need to download and install a different version of the plugin”, you will need to download a version of MemberMouse that includes these libraries upon install, along with making a change to the upload size limit on your site. Those steps can be found here: Erreur d'installation - Problème de téléchargement des bibliothèques.
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