
2.4.6 Versionshinweise

Informationen zur Installation/Upgrade

Siehe diesen Artikel für Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung zur Aktualisierung von MemberMouse. Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir immer empfehlen, ein vollständiges Backup zu erstellen, bevor Sie ein Plugin oder Thema auf Ihrer Website aktualisieren, einschließlich MemberMouse.

Zusammenfassung der Erweiterungen und Fehlerbehebungen
  • Resolved plugin conflict with LearnDash LMS. Prevents fatal errors during activation if LearnDash is already active, and addresses admin panel crashes if LearnDash is activated without first connecting MemberMouse to a Stripe account (3013)
  • Resolved password complexity issue with Stripe Elements. Moves password complexity check earlier in the checkout process to prevent a situation where payment is collected but the member's account is not created (3016)
  • Resolved third-party compatibility issue on the checkout form. Prevents errors and functional issues with third-party plugins such as BuddyPress that utilize arrays when submitting form data (3032)   
  • Resolved issue with card-on-file functionality when changing payment vendors. Addresses an issue where card-on-file information could not be stored and used correctly if the on-side payment method was changed (3024)  
  • Resolved issue with free signup processing message. Addresses an issue where the order processing message for paid purchases was displayed when signing up for a free membership (3011) 
  • Removed member limit banner for legacy licenses. Removes the member limit warning banner, which was incorrectly displayed for certain legacy license types. All MemberMouse plans now support unlimited members (3037)

  • Added major version update warning. Displays additional warning messages on the Plugins page when an update contains breaking changes and additional care should be exercised during the update process (3039) 
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