
Advertising on Facebook: A Step By Step Video Tutorial of the Facebook Ads Manager with Miles Beckler

About a month ago, we published an epic podcast episode with online entrepreneur & digital marketing expert Miles Beckler. In that episode, Miles outlined the exact process he uses in 2019 to build profitable marketing funnels for his primary online business.

Miles calls these “self-liquidating funnels” and talks about how actually building one is something that most marketers and entrepreneurs will never achieve. Well, Miles has certainly cracked the code to creating these profitable sales funnels and keeps no secrets to himself when outlining his methods and techniques.

After publishing that episode and article, we received such an amazing response that we decided to create a follow-up post for you detailing one of the most important aspects of Miles’ strategy: How to create a high-converting offer using Facebook lookalike audiences.

Miles generously agreed to do a full video tutorial of the Facebook Ads platform for everyone in our audience. So, our founder & CEO, Eric, sat down with him and created what we hope is an incredibly valuable piece of content for you.

In the training video we recorded, Miles shows you exactly what you need to do to get up and running with Facebook Advertising, including detailed explanations of custom & lookalike audiences, the art of crafting ad copy, how to navigate Facebook’s ad manager, and much more. This is a step-by-step tutorial designed to give you both an action plan and the inspiration to get started.

If you’re unfamiliar with the power of Facebook lookalike audiences, be sure to check out our podcast episode featuring Kyle Weiger where he shares how the effective leveraging of lookalike audiences helped him generate over $200,000 in revenue selling his online course in just over 6-months.

What You'll Learn

After you watch this video, you’ll be fully equipped to put the power of custom & lookalike audiences to work and get your first Facebook Ad up and running. Miles doesn’t hold anything back in this training and generously shares from his wealth of experience.

Speaking from experience here, the quality of this content is on par – if not better – than what you would get from a paid ‘Intro to Facebook Ads' course. And the best part? It’s coming from someone who is still in the trenches of Facebook’s Advertising platform day in and day out.

If Facebook Advertising is something you’ve been wanting to try to grow your membership or subscription site, sell your online courses, or grow your email list, but have been too overwhelmed to start, you will not want to miss this free video training.

Even if you’re already up and running with your Facebook Ads, Miles' tutorial can help give you a competitive edge and assist you in leveling up your current advertising strategy. Miles speaks from his years of experience and thousands upon thousands of dollars spent learning Facebook’s Advertising platform through trial and error.

Download Our Companion Guide

This Facebook Advertising video training is comprehensive and incredibly detailed. To help you keep track of everything, we created a companion guide which summarizes and organizes everything Miles teaches in this video. Be sure to download guide and follow along with the video. You can get the guide below.

learn how to advertise your membership site on Facebook

Create A High-Converting Offer Using Facebook Lookalike Audiences

5 Steps to Create a High-Converting Facebook Ad

Here is a brief summary of the 5 steps you'll learn in this video tutorial:

Schritt 1 Gather a list of email for your target audience [1:12 – 2:15]
  • This can be a list of your current or previous members or customers*
  • Or, it could be a list of prospects or leads from your email list, for example.

*If you are a MemberMouse user, you can easily export your members into a .CSV file directly.

Step 2 – Create a lookalike audience in Facebook [2:16 – 8:17]
  • Use your customer & prospect lists to create a custom audience in Facebook
  • Once you have created a custom audience, you can create lookalike audiences
Step 3 – Write the copy for your ad [8:18 – 12:37]
  • While it is essential you know how to work the technical – scientific – side of Facebook Advertising, the critical art of copywriting cannot be neglected when you’re creating an ad.
  • Miles recommends 5 books for improving your copywriting skills (see recommended resources below)
Step 4 – Create a conversion Facebook Ad campaign [12:38 – 37:05]
  • Conversion based campaigns let you leverage the power of Facebook to find people who most resemble your buyers, customers, members, etc.
  • In this section, Miles gives you a complete tour of the “engine room” of the Facebook Ads Manager system
Step 5 – Let Facebook AI work for you [37:06 – 44:08]
  • How to force Facebook’s machine learning technology to find your best customer segments
  • Duplicating vs. Split Testing ads

Recommended Resources:

Copywriting Books: 

  1. How to Write a Good Advertisement by Victor Schwab
  2. Making Ads Pay by John Caples
  3. Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins
  4. Der ultimative Verkaufsbrief von Dan Kennedy
  5. Durchschlagende Werbung von Eugene Schwartz

Additional Tutorial:

Thanks for Watching!

We learned a lot from Miles in this video and hope you did too. If you have and questions or comments about this training, please leave us a comment below. If you found value in tutorial, please share it with someone who could also benefit. Our hope is that if you've been intimidated or overwhelmed by Facebook Advertising in the past, that you now have the tools and knowledge necessary to go out there and start testing ad campaigns to grow your membership site.

Matt Brown

In den letzten 6 Jahren hat Matt Brown eng mit einigen der erfolgreichsten Mitgliedschafts- und Online-Kurs-Unternehmern der Welt zusammengearbeitet. Er hat aus erster Hand erfahren, was funktioniert - und was nicht - wenn es darum geht, Online-Unternehmen zu gründen, aufzubauen und zu vergrößern. Darüber hinaus war Matt Brown für die Auswahl aller Gäste verantwortlich, die wir in der Abonnement Unternehmer-Podcast. Dies ermöglichte ihm, die besten Mitgliedschaftsmarketing- und Wachstumsstrategien von Top-Autoren und Experten zu hören. Jetzt teilt er alles, was er gelernt hat, mit Ihnen hier im MemberMouse Blog. Melden Sie sich noch heute an, um die neuesten Strategien zu entdecken, mit denen Sie Ihr Mitgliedschafts-, Abonnement- und Online-Kursgeschäft ausbauen können.

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