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  5. Puis-je traduire le backend de MemberMouse ?

Puis-je traduire le backend de MemberMouse ?

Yes! MemberMouse now supports localization, meaning you can start off with a default US English setup and easily switch it to your preferred language.

Using WordPress’ handy localization feature, you can translate most of the text in the MemberMouse backend into the language you want. Plus, you can create content for your members in almost any language.

The most straightforward way to add more languages is to use a localization plugin like LocoTranslate. Read our knowledge document with a step-by-step guide on how to easily translate MemberMouse copy here.

For those who need a bit more control over their translations, we’ve put together a detailed, step-by-step guide on a more advanced translation method here. This offers greater flexibility if you have specific needs.

Interested in the advantages of a multilingual membership site? Check out our detailed blog post on this topic here.

If you have any questions about translating MemberMouse, please contactez notre équipe d'assistance.

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