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Connect MemberMouse to the Outside World

MemberMouse has built-in features which allow you to create and manage notifications to your members and/or employees on your site. Push Notifications are powerful tools that allow you to perform actions, based on real time events in MemberMouse.

Points d'action

Send a Receipt to Customers

You’ve got better things to do with your time than sending out individual receipts, right? MemberMouse lets you automate this process so you can get back to watching Netfl… I mean, growing your business ;-).

Alert a Team Member when a Product is Purchased

Have you ever wished there was a way for you to automatically notify your team when a specific product is purchased or a new member joins? Well there is! Use Push Notifications to create alerts for your team for a variety of member-related actions.

Connect to Hundreds of Apps using Zapier

MemberMouse offers a better way of integrating with Zapier. Zapier is a tool for connecting different applications together and passing information between them. There are literally hundreds of apps that are integrated with Zapier and you can now easily connect it to Zapier via the Zapier Email Parser.

Use Custom Scripts to Update a 3rd Party App or Database

Sometimes you may want to perform a custom action when certain events occur within your membership site. For example, you may want to update a 3rd party database when members join or cancel. Or you may want to update a 3rd party application when a payment is received. MemberMouse’s powerful Push Notification system can be used to accomplish these things and a lot more.

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Notifications push principales
Duration: 6m

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