
Create A Music Membership
Seus alunos vão adorar

Vire seu passion for music and love of
teaching into a negócios on-line lucrativos

learn piano membership site

Pianu uses MemberMouse to help
50,000+ people fall in love with the piano

"When I switched to MemberMouse it was like the clouds opening up. I was like 'Oh, this doesn’t have to be difficult.' In terms of sales, MemberMouse has really helped me comb through all the data that comes in. I’m getting better at understanding why sales come in when they do. It's a perfect fit."
Matthew Curney
Matt Curney
Founder of Pianu

Dê uma olhada no que você
O que é possível fazer com o MemberMouse

Venda os dois cursos autônomos e
Produtos de associação recorrente

Do you want your students to learn Ode à alegria before joining your monthly Mozart mastery program? Good news! You can create both one-time purchase & recurring products with MemberMouse.

associação de conteúdo de gotejamento

Schedule the Release of New Modules
& Lessons with Drip Content Features

Want your members to get access to a new course module, instructional video, or lesson each week? Our drip content scheduling feature gives you full control of when people get access to your content.

Create Personalized Experiences & Targeted Offers For Your Members

With our SmartTag features, you can create highly personal experiences and targeted offers based on what your members have – or haven’t – bought. Want all your Blues Guitarists to see an upgrade offer for your B.B. King course? It’s as easy as inserting a SmartTag.

music wordpress membership plugin

Permita que seus membros gerenciem seus
Contas totalmente autônomas

As your music membership grows, so will your customer support requests. With MemberMouse, your members can manage their accounts. Plus, you can automate many routine tasks that might suck up a lot of your time and energy. We think that deserves a round of applause!

Procurando inspiração?
Aqui está o podcast perfeito

bass gorilla music membership site

How To Start, Grow, And Sell A Membership Site with Luke Ward of Bass Gorilla

“Someone who was very successful online said to my friend, ‘You should just start a membership site from day one.‘ That was a light bulb moment for me. Immediately the next day I started implementing that.”

Recursos mais úteis
Você vai adorar


Combinar com Cursos para o MemberMouse

Já se foi o tempo em que você precisava de um plugin adicional para vender seus cursos. Agora você pode fazer tudo isso com nosso LMS incorporado!


Coupon Codes &
Gifting Features

Get new members in the door with enticing discounts. Plus, allow anyone to give your membership as a gift.

tique-taque do carrinho


Facilite para seus membros a compra de produtos adicionais. E o que é mais fácil do que um clique?

Active Melody trusts MemberMouse to power
their content and community platform for guitarists

"My site is a community site that has both premium and non-premium content. MemberMouse is the core management tool that allows all of that to be possible. I use MemberMouse for all new member sign ups and to track revenue generated."
guitar membership site
Brian Sherrill
Founder of Active Melody

O MemberMouse funciona bem com...

O empreendedorismo on-line pode ser solitário
Mas com o MemberMouse, você nunca está sozinho

Nosso suporte líder do setor está disponível 7 dias por semana - 9 AM to 5 PM PST - para ajudá-lo a construir seu império de saúde e bem-estar. Nós nos orgulhamos de nosso serviço personalizado e orientado para os detalhes. Nosso conjunto de suporte é um dos mais abrangentes do setor, e o alto nível de documentação demonstra nosso compromisso em ajudá-lo a obter sucesso com nosso software.


Bilhetes resolvidos


Satisfação do cliente

1,5 horas

Média. Tempo de resposta


Documentos e vídeos de suporte

"John has gone out of his way to be incredibly helpful in resolving our
complex issue. This isn’t the first time he has gone out of his way to be
friendly & helpful. The way you all handle support tickets is unlike any
other service I have opened tickets with. We’ll continue to be loyal
customers for years to come. Thank you John, you saved my butt!"
wordpress membership plugin testimonial
John B.
Cliente MemberMouse
music membership site

Pro Sound Formula uses MemberMouse to provide musicians with world-class mixing training

"MemberMouse allows me to provide all my training programs in one convenient dashboard area where members can access them 24/7. Plus, they can sign up for free courses or purchase new ones. Since implementing MemberMouse, my support issues have reduced by at least 80% because it makes the process of purchasing and accessing content so much easier for the customer."
prosound formula
Rob Williams
Founder of Pro Sound Formula