diseño de páginas de ventas de sitios de socios

Cómo crear una página de ventas con MemberMouse y Elementor

A few months ago, we released an in-depth video training about how you can build and design the core pages of your membership site with MemberMouse and Elementor. We received a lot of great feedback about how helpful this training was. But, we also heard some questions about how the principles we shared could be used to build other types of pages not shown in the initial video.

That's why we decided to create a follow-up training where we'll show you how to build one of the most important pages for your membership site or online course: your sales page.

In this video, you'll learn how to combine the power of MemberMouse and Elementor to build a dynamic sales page for your membership, online course, or coaching program. We’re really excited to share this with you and hope it simplifies the process of building your sales page.

¿Listo para sumergirte? Dale al play en el siguiente vídeo.


Resumen en vídeo

0:00 Introducción
3:54 How to set up your products & membership levels
8:31 A quick look at customizing your checkout page
10:01 How to connect the functionality of MemberMouse & Elementor
13:42 Using menu anchor links to create a better user experience
15:42 Using membership levels to protect content

Lo que aprenderá en este vídeo

In this over-the-shoulder tutorial, you'll learn how to build a fully functional sales page that allows you to sell multiple membership levels, online courses, or coaching packages. Plus, we'll show you a few cool tricks for optimizing the on-page experience for your users, customizing your checkout pages, adding bundles to your memberships, and more.

wordpress membership plugin sales page

Nota importante: In this video, we don't cover all of the design techniques you can use to combine the power of MemberMouse & Elementor. That can be found a comprehensive training we released earlier this year. You can watch that training here: Cómo construir su sitio con MemberMouse y Elementor

membership site sales page

Mastering Content Protection

En 15:42 in the training, we show you the basics of how to use membership levels to protect content on your membership site. For more information about how this works, here's a great introductory video for this as part of our Master the Essentials video series and link to our Best Practices guide:


Thank you for checking out this MemberMouse and Elementor tutorial video. If you have any questions about what we've covered here, please let us know in the comments below. We love helping people build powerful and profitable membership sites and would be happy to assist you.

Recursos adicionales

Matt Brown

Durante los últimos 6 años, Matt Brown ha trabajado estrechamente con algunos de los emprendedores de membresías y cursos en línea más exitosos del mundo. Él ha visto de primera mano lo que funciona - y lo que no - cuando se trata de iniciar, construir y hacer crecer los negocios en línea. Además, Matt ha sido el responsable de seleccionar a todos los invitados que hemos tenido en el programa Suscripción Podcast Entrepreneur. Esto le permitió escuchar las mejores estrategias de marketing de afiliación y crecimiento de los mejores autores y expertos. Ahora, comparte todo lo que aprende con usted aquí en el blog MemberMouse. Suscríbase hoy para que pueda descubrir estrategias de vanguardia que pueden ayudarle a hacer crecer su negocio de membresía, suscripción y cursos en línea.

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