Comment vendre des services de coaching à prix élevé : un guide de croissance utile
If you're a skilled coach who delivers real results, you deserve to charge what you're worth. High-ticket coaching is about the transformation you provide – the kind of impact that makes clients eager to invest.
The key is to position yourself as the expert that high-value clients want to work with. When you know how to showcase your expertise, build trust, and communicate the results you deliver, selling high-ticket coaching becomes a natural, rewarding process.
In this guide, we’ll break it all down. We’ll start by defining what high-ticket coaching really is, explore its pros and cons, and then walk you through proven strategies to attract premium clients and sell your coaching services with confidence. Let’s dive in!
Qu'est-ce que le coaching à haut rendement ?
Comme son nom l'indique, il s'agit d'un type spécifique de coaching dont le prix est généralement élevé. En d'autres termes, cela signifie qu'il est coûteux.
With high ticket coaching, customers are willing to make a significant investment in growing their skills and expertise.
This is typically because the knowledge they gain from this coaching can help them be more successful (and profitable) in their careers.
So typically, it is very niche and related to a lucrative field. For instance, high-ticket financial coaches are common.
One of them is MemberMouse customer, TradePro Academy, which specializes in providing quality education and community to aspiring and professional traders.

Additionally, you can find a lot of high-ticket sales coaches catering specifically to ambitious leaders who want to achieve specific goals:
Elena Mutonono is a seasoned business coach who helps teachers work less and make more with her revolutionized online language teaching, Smart Teacher's Library.

This type of coaching can also be geared towards business executives or even organizations. However, most of the time it's meant for individuals and comes with a bill of at least $1,000 (often more).
Since it's a significant expense, it tends to combine 1:1 coaching sessions with exclusive courses. It may also provide users with access to a knowledgeable community via a membership website or forum.
Qu'est-ce qui différencie le coaching à haut rendement du coaching ordinaire ?
To put it simply, the difference is the price and the quality of services.
When it comes to regular coaching, you may get one or two of the elements offered in a high-ticket coaching purchase.
For instance, you might get access to some cours en ligne and a monthly group coaching call (instead of a 1:1 session).
High-ticket coaching should provide more value than regular coaching. To start, high ticket coaches usually have more expertise to offer – this is why they can charge more.
What's more, since high ticket coaches usually provide 1:1 attention, they offer a much more customized experience with added perks and resources. As a result, they're (ideally) able to help clients achieve their goals faster.
Les avantages et les inconvénients du coaching à prix élevé
If you're still not sure whether this type of business is right for you, let's look at the primary pros and cons of high-ticket coaching.
Les avantages du coaching de haut niveau :
- Offre des marges bénéficiaires plus élevées
- Attirer des clients plus fidèles
- Vous permet de cultiver vos compétences en tant que mentor
- Aide à construire votre réputation en tant qu'autorité dans votre niche
Les inconvénients du coaching à prix élevé :
- Il peut être difficile de convaincre les clients d'acheter (en raison du prix élevé).
- Peut être difficile à mettre à l'échelle
- Peut prendre du temps
All-in-all, high-ticket coaching can be an excellent way to grow your business and reputation. The main drawback is that anything with a higher price tag is going to be a harder sell, so you'll have to plan carefully if you want to be successful. In the following sections, we'll explain how to do that.
Comment créer un programme de coaching à forte valeur ajoutée (en 4 étapes)
Making your first sale as a high-ticket coach may seem like a challenging task. However, it's certainly within your reach – as long as you follow some tried and true strategies. Here's how you can create an effective program in four steps!
1. Établir un créneau clair
As we mentioned earlier, high-ticket coaches are able to charge more for their services because of their highly valuable expertise. This means that generalists will have a lot harder time selling a high-ticket coaching program.
Dans cette optique, vous voudrez établir un créneau clair for your business. Some of the most common industries for high-ticket coaching are:
- Coaching financier
- Coaching d'entreprise
- Leadership/executive coaching
- Life Coaching
If you're learning how to sell high-ticket coaching, chances are you already have some sort of online presence. So if you have a well-established market in the right type of area, you're all set. On the other hand, if you don't already have a clear niche, you can try establishing one in a few ways.
First, you can rebrand yourself as an expert in your niche of choice. To do this, you'll need to audit your website and all of your social media channels.
Take some time to review your profiles, and include the right kinds of titles, bios, and social proofs as indicators of your expertise.
For example, if your previous intent was to be a “lifestyle blogger”, but now you want to offer life coaching, you'll need to convey this shift throughout your online presence.
If you create any content, such as blog posts, it's also a good idea to focus on your new niche there. This way, you can build your credibility as an expert in the subject.
2. Créer un profil détaillé de l'acheteur
High-ticket coaching should offer very real value. However, another aspect that affects the appeal of these programs is the hyper-focused attention on a specific group.
Therefore, creating a detailed buyer persona can be very helpful when designing your high-ticket coaching program. To do this, you'll want to start by establishing your key demographic.
For example, you might be targeting millennial women seeking therapy in California or you could be reaching out to high-achieving women who are struggling with burnout.
Lorsque vous définissez votre buyer persona, l'essentiel est d'être aussi précis que possible. En gardant cela à l'esprit, vous pouvez vous poser certaines des questions suivantes :
- Où vit mon client ?
- Quels sont les objectifs et les motivations de mon client ?
- Quel est l'âge de mon client ?
- Quel est le niveau d'éducation de mon client ?
- Quel est le revenu/budget de mon client ?
- Comment mon client préfère-t-il que les séances se déroulent (virtuellement ou en personne) ?
Vous devez essayer de rendre le profil qui en résulte aussi complet et spécifique que possible. Vous pourrez ainsi vous préparer correctement aux entretiens avec les clients.
Similarly, you'll be able to more appropriately craft your messaging when marketing your high-ticket coaching program. Of course, don't be afraid to keep refining this persona over time as you get a better feel for your target audience.
3. Définir votre argument de vente unique (USP)
Une fois que vous aurez établi un profil d'acheteur détaillé, vous serez mieux équipé pour définir votre argument de vente unique (USP).
As the name suggests, your USP explains what unique value you can offer to your client. When it comes to high-ticket coaching programs, the best approach is to be clear and results-oriented.
To define your USP, you'll need to audit all the benefits you'll be providing for your clients. This can encompass everything from 1:1 sessions to exclusive online courses:
However, the core of your USP should be what your clients can achieve when they complete a high-ticket coaching program with you.
For example, if you're a financial coach, your ideal high-ticket clients are likely entrepreneurs or professionals looking to scale their investments, build generational wealth, or optimize their financial strategies for long-term success.
High-ticket coaching is about delivering deep expertise and strategic guidance to help clients achieve transformative results.
Once you've defined your USP, you'll be better able to market your services (which we'll discuss in the next section).
4. Concevoir votre programme de coaching à forte valeur ajoutée
After you've chosen a niche, created a buyer persona, and defined your USP, the next step is to design your high-ticket coaching package.
Pour ce faire, vous devez avant tout établir la structure de votre programme. Par exemple, après l'inscription d'un client, votre programme peut se dérouler comme suit :
- Send the client a welcome email and questionnaire to fill out before the first session.
- Conduct the first 1:1 session for goal-setting (60 minutes).
- Envoyez au client une première "mission" et les détails pour créer un compte sur votre site d'adhésion exclusif.
- Conduct a second 1:1 session with the client (60 minutes).
- Poursuivre avec d'autres sessions et missions si nécessaire/pertinent.
- Envoyez un courriel de remerciement et demandez une évaluation/un témoignage.
Since your program is “high ticket”, when designing it be sure to think about how you can offer top value at every step. Keep in mind that you can also incorporate and repurpose pre-existing material you've created in the past.
This could be anything from ebooks to full-blown online courses. Just ensure that the resources are relevant and are modified as needed to be appropriate for the program.
Une fois que vous avez conçu votre programme, vous pouvez l'utiliser pour définir le forfait client que vous proposerez. Il ne vous reste plus qu'à commercialiser votre activité et à trouver vos premiers clients, ce que nous allons aborder dans les prochaines sections.
Créer un entonnoir de coaching clair et à forte valeur ajoutée
Before you can start advertising your new program, you'll need to build a clear high ticket coaching funnel. In short, this is a marketing funnel that's specifically geared toward the needs of high-ticket coaches.
A entonnoir marketing décrit les étapes par lesquelles passe un client potentiel, depuis la découverte de votre entreprise jusqu'à l'achat (et au-delà). Les principales étapes peuvent être décrites comme suit :
- Sensibilisation
- Considération
- Conversion
- Loyauté
Bien entendu, vous voudrez élaborer et développer ces étapes de base. Voici un exemple de ce à quoi peuvent ressembler les étapes de votre entonnoir de coaching à forte valeur ajoutée :
- Sensibilisation. This can involve marketing on your website and social media platforms, along with anywhere else your target clients are located. It should include advertising yourself as an expert and spreading the news about your high-ticket coaching program specifically. Familiarizing people with your brand can be a good starting point.
- Considération. Lorsque votre public cible voit votre marque et votre offre, il peut prendre des mesures pour déterminer si elles lui conviennent. Il peut s'agir de cliquer pour obtenir plus de détails, de suivre vos comptes ou de consommer votre contenu.
- Engagement. Since a high-ticket coaching program is such a big investment, potential clients are likely to reach out with questions about it. Engaging prospects in conversation, sharing about yourself, and getting to know them helps to build relationships and encourage trust.
- Appel à la découverte. Si vous le pouvez, il est judicieux de proposer une consultation gratuite. Cela donne aux prospects un avant-goût de ce qu'ils recevront de votre programme, ainsi qu'une nouvelle chance de s'engager.
- Suivi. For high-ticket customers, following up is crucial. Sending a friendly email inquiring about their continuing interest is an essential best practice.
- Conversion. Une fois qu'un client s'est inscrit à votre programme de coaching à prix élevé, vous avez réussi à le convertir. Il ne lui reste plus qu'à terminer le programme ! Il est essentiel de continuer à prendre toutes les mesures possibles pour s'assurer que leur expérience est de premier ordre.
- Loyauté. Lorsqu'un client a terminé le programme, et s'il est satisfait des résultats, vous pouvez idéalement compter sur lui pour le recommander ou au moins lui adresser un témoignage positif. Veillez donc à envoyer une enquête de suivi ou à demander une évaluation, et restez en contact de temps à autre.
Once you know exactly what your high-ticket coaching funnel will look like, you'll be able to more effectively sell your program. Keep in mind that potential clients at each stage in the process will have different needs that you'll have to address.
Comment vendre votre programme de coaching à forte valeur ajoutée (3 conseils clés)
Now that you know how to create your program and set up your sales funnel, let's talk about how to sell your coaching business. These three methods aren't the only options at your disposal, but they're excellent starting points for attracting your first clients.
1. Commercialiser en ligne vos services de coaching à forte valeur ajoutée
In order to make sales, you'll need to effectively market your high-ticket coaching services. The key to this is outlining and highlighting the outcomes your client can expect after working with you. In other words, you'll need to put together a carefully crafted and condensed version of your USP.
For instance, if you're a life coach for leaders, one outcome could be that you'll help clients create a clear action plan for success.
When it comes to marketing your high-ticket coaching services, it's important to make them as convincing as possible.
It should be clear to your audience how much they stand to gain from your program, so be sure to highlight any tangible goals that clients will likely achieve after working with you.
Once your messaging is in place, it's time to get the word out there! First and foremost, you'll want to advertise your program on your website.
If you don't yet have a website or want to build a dedicated one for this purpose, we'll explain how to do that soon.
Use social media to share insights, showcase your expertise, and engage with your audience. Position yourself as a thought leader by joining discussions, answering questions, and providing value.
Podcasts are another great way to build authority. Whether you start your own or appear as a guest, they help you reach an audience already interested in growth and transformation.
The more visible and engaged you are, the more high-value clients will see you as the coach they need.
2. Proposer des consultations gratuites et des promotions
If you've implemented all the tips we've discussed so far in this post, you'll be well-equipped to successfully make sales.
However, the reality is that no matter how well you prepare, getting started as a high-ticket coach can be challenging. The price is high, and if you're brand-new, potential clients have no proof that you'll actually be able to help them.
So to increase your success rate early on, you may want to start by offering free consultations. This should be a one-time appointment and should be no longer than 30 minutes (since you don't want to give away too much of your valuable services). It's a great way to ease a potential client's concerns and begin establishing a rapport.
If providing free consultations isn't feasible for your business model, or you simply don't have the availability, you might consider offering limited-time promotions.
For example, you could offer a 10% discount for sign-ups on Black Friday. Alternatively, you could provide digital freebies such as ebooks or worksheets, which give prospects a taste of your expertise and coaching style.
3. Annoncer les témoignages de clients
Une fois que vous avez acquis une certaine notoriété en tant que coach à prix élevé, il est essentiel de faire connaître les témoignages de vos clients. En effet, ils constituent un moyen très efficace de développer votre activité au-delà des premiers clients.
Les recherches montrent que près de 94% de personnes are more likely to use a business after reading a positive review
Les témoignages positifs vous aident à asseoir votre crédibilité et à montrer à vos clients potentiels ce qu'ils peuvent obtenir en travaillant avec vous. Vous pouvez les faire figurer en bonne place sur votre site web, ainsi que dans tout autre matériel de marketing.
If you only have a few testimonials, don’t worry – even one or two strong reviews can make an impact.
With high-ticket coaching, this should be even easier since you have a close 1:1 relationship with your clients.
Use that connection to ask for feedback at the end of your program, and encourage them to share their success stories.
For instance, you can include a link for clients to leave a quick review when you send them a final thank you email.
Comment créer un site web pour votre programme de coaching à forte valeur ajoutée (en 5 étapes)
It's challenging to get the word out about your coaching program if you don't have a website. Even if you have a personal site, it's a good idea to build one specifically for this purpose.
That way, every element can be designed around explaining your program and convincing visitors to try it out.
What's more, you can offer and sell your coaching sessions right through your site. So before we wrap up, let's walk through how to build a high ticket site d'adhésion au coaching en utilisant le plugin WordPress MemberMouse !
Étape 1 : Obtenir un hébergement Web et installer WordPress
In order to create a website, you'll need the right software and resources. If you're a beginner and you want to be able to customize your site however you like, we recommend using WordPress:

Cette plateforme est à la fois facile à apprendre et personnalisable à l'infini. Et surtout, son utilisation est gratuite !
Toutefois, pour mettre votre site en ligne, vous devrez payer des services d'hébergement web. Certains des meilleurs hébergeurs pour WordPress include Kinsta, SiteGround, and DreamHost.
You'll also need to choose a plan. If you're unsure what to pick, you can begin with a low-cost shared hosting plan, and scale up as you require more tools and resources.
After choosing a hosting plan, the next step is installing WordPress. Many hosting providers offer a one-click installation, making the process quick and hassle-free. If manual setup is needed, it’s still a straightforward process.
For those new to WordPress, WPBeginner – a trusted resource and an excellent place to find step-by-step guides, tutorials, and tips to get your site up and running smoothly.
Étape 2 : Choisissez votre thème WordPress
Ensuite, vous devrez créer un design pour votre site d'adhésion. Heureusement, c'est facile avec WordPress. Vous n'avez besoin d'aucune expérience en matière de conception de sites web et vous n'aurez pas à toucher au code si vous ne le souhaitez pas.
Vous devrez plutôt choisir un thème WordPress. Il s'agit d'un module complémentaire qui déterminera l'aspect et la présentation de votre site web. Il comprend également des options qui vous aideront à construire votre site plus rapidement, telles que des jeux de couleurs, des pages principales prédéfinies et des menus de navigation.
Vous pouvez sélectionner un thème gratuit dans la rubrique Annuaire des thèmes WordPress

Vous pouvez également consulter des thèmes premium sur des places de marché comme ThemeForest. Pour de meilleurs résultats, vous pouvez opter pour une Thème WordPress pour site d'adhésion. Cela permettra de s'assurer que la conception de votre site complète sa fonctionnalité.
Une fois votre thème installé et activé, vous pouvez facilement le modifier à votre guise à l'aide de la fonction le personnalisateur de thème WordPress. Certains thèmes sont même dotés d'outils intégrés qui rendent ce processus plus souple.
Étape 3 : Installer le plugin MemberMouse
Outre les thèmes, WordPress vous donne également accès à des milliers de plugins. Il s'agit de modules complémentaires qui confèrent à votre site de nouvelles caractéristiques et fonctionnalités. Grâce aux plugins, vous pouvez créer tous les types de sites que vous pouvez imaginer.
For your high-ticket coaching business, it's a good idea to créer un site web pour les membres. Cela vous permettra de faire de vos clients des "membres" de votre site et de leur donner accès à toutes sortes de ressources et de fonctions exclusives (que les membres non payants ne peuvent pas voir).
Souris du membre plugin is an excellent option for creating a lucrative membership site.
Cet outil vous permet de créer facilement des contenus payants et des adhésions à plusieurs niveaux, afin de proposer une variété de plans de coaching. De plus, vous obtiendrez Cours pour MemberMousequi vous permet d'intégrer facilement votre coaching à des cours en ligne exclusifs.
MemberMouse also offers integrations with popular email software, along with coupon functionality, Stripe payment processing, analytics, and much more.
All of this expands on the baseline offered by a fresh WordPress installation, turning your site into a full-fledged business and coaching platform.
Pour commencer, vous devez vous inscrire à un plan MemberMouse et configurer le plugin. Pour obtenir des instructions complètes sur ce processus, consultez notre guide sur les comment installer MemberMouse.
Étape 4 : Créer vos adhésions
Now that you have the tools you'll need, you're ready to learn how to sell high-ticket coaching sessions using MemberMouse.
To get started, you'll need to create your memberships. To do so, go to Souris du membre > Paramètres du produit. Then click on Membership Levels:

On the next page, select Créer un niveau d'adhésion:

Ici, vous pouvez configurez vos adhésions comme vous le souhaitez. Si vous ne proposez qu'un seul programme de coaching, vous pouvez simplement créer une seule adhésion.
However, you can also offer various options at different price points. This way, clients can select the experience they like, whether it's a shorter program or something more in-depth.
You can even create a lower-tier option that provides access to certain gated content on your site, which is designed to intrigue members and convert them into high-ticket coaching clients.
Il convient également de noter que si vous disposez d'un grand nombre d'offres, vous pouvez créer des paquets pour faciliter et clarifier les choses pour vos clients. Avec MemberMouse, vous êtes libre de concevoir et de proposer tous les types d'adhésion que vous souhaitez.
Step 5: Create Your Coaching Sessions
Now, all that's left to do is create your coaching sessions. To do that, you'll créer des "produits qui remplacera ces sessions.
To do this, go to Souris du membre > Paramètres du produit. Click on Produits in the menu at the top of the screen:

Sélectionnez ensuite Créer un produit :

Now you can fill in the details for a coaching session. Include everything potential clients will want to know – for example, don't forget to highlight the USP.
Vous pouvez ensuite assigner ce "produit" à un niveau d'adhésion, afin de contrôler qui pourra y accéder. Si vous avez plusieurs types ou durées de sessions, vous pouvez créer des produits supplémentaires pour les représenter.
At this point, you have all the basics you'll need to offer high-ticket coaching through your website. However, don't be afraid to take your time and keep personnaliser votre site et vos adhésions. Après tout, il est important de donner une première impression forte aux clients potentiels et aux nouveaux clients !
High-ticket coaching is an opportunity to create meaningful change for your clients while building a profitable, fulfilling career.
The key to success lies in positioning yourself as an expert, showcasing the real value of your coaching, and attracting the right clients who are ready to invest.
Throughout this guide, we’ve covered everything from defining your niche and structuring your program to marketing your services and leveraging tools like WordPress et MemberMouse to build a seamless coaching platform.
These strategies are sure to guide you to selling high-ticket coaching and building a brand that commands respect and delivers real results.
The demand for premium coaching is growing. Now it’s your turn to step into the spotlight, connect with high-value clients, and scale your coaching business with confidence.
Quel type de programme de coaching à forte valeur ajoutée êtes-vous en train de mettre en place, et pourquoi ? Faites-nous part de vos réflexions dans la section des commentaires ci-dessous !
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Sarah Olaleye
Sarah est passionnée par la simplification des détails techniques des sites Web, des plugins et du marketing numérique. En tant que rédactrice de contenu chez MemberMouse, elle a l'œil pour créer des contenus attrayants et informatifs. Sarah joue un rôle crucial dans l'éducation et l'autonomisation des utilisateurs en ce qui concerne le plein potentiel des plugins MemberMouse. Alliant connaissances techniques et flair créatif, elle veille à ce que chaque élément de contenu soit non seulement informatif, mais aussi inspirant. Lorsqu'elle n'écrit pas, elle aime explorer les dernières tendances en matière de technologie et de marketing numérique, en cherchant toujours de nouveaux moyens d'améliorer l'expérience de l'utilisateur.