
Navegação de membros

Use our Manage Members search to simply get some basic aggregated information about your member base. There are many circumstances where you may wish to filter your members list: perhaps you want to find out how many members canceled this month, or you know the last name of a customer but aren't sure of their email, or you are curious about how many members you have from Spain. These answers and so much more can be discovered by browsing in Manage Members.

  1. No MembroMouse menu, go to Manage Members e clique no botão Pesquisa avançada botão.

  2. To find a specific member or group of members, search any of the following criteria as shown in the search box below: 

    Date Range (From & To Fields)Member ID NumberPrimeiro nomeSobrenomeE-mail AddressNível de associaçãoPacotesBilling Country, Membership StatusNotas and any Campos personalizados you have created.

    Observação: To search checkbox custom fields, select the custom field from the dropdown, and then type ‘on' or ‘off' in the short text field that appears underneath.

  3. Once you have entered in your search criteria, click the Show Members button and the table will refresh to display only members that match the criteria entered.

  4. Use the left and right navigation arrows to move between pages or, adjust the number of members to display on each page from dropdown menu. The total number of members associated with the current search criteria is shown on the right.

  5. If desired, you may export the results of your search by clicking the Exportação botão.

    Observação: Only Administrators will see this button. Sales and Support employees don't have the ability to export members unless specifically granted that permission by the Admin.

    The way to grant permission is to log in using the Admin account, go to Configurações gerais no MemberMouse menu e, em seguida, clique no botão Funcionários guia. Escolha a conta da qual você deseja exportar. Em seguida, vá para a guia Permissões adicionais e marque a caixa ao lado de "Allow this employee to export data" (Permitir que este funcionário exporte dados). Para obter mais informações sobre as opções em Contas de funcionários, você pode consultar artigo sobre a criação de uma conta de funcionário.
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