Build A Food & Wellness Membership
Your Students Will Love

Turn your passion for healthy living & helping
others into a profitable online business

PaleoPlan uses MemberMouse to support
people who are new to the Paleo lifestyle

“Meal Plans are our core product at PaleoPlan. MemberMouse allows us to manage different customers, and their needs, while pairing them to the right content. With MemberMouse, we’re able to spend far less time managing customer accounts, issuing refunds, and the like. Their system puts all of our core management tasks in one place with a clean and simple interface.”
Chuck Mullins
Founder of PaleoPlan

Take A Peek At What You
Can Do With MemberMouse

Create A Content Library Members
Can Explore At Their Own Pace

Whether it’s video courses, audio interviews, or nutrition training, you can create a protected content library that only your members can see. Plus, you have full control over the design so you can make it fun and easy for your members to engage with your material.

membership site content library
drip content membership

Schedule the Release of Weekly Meal Plans or New Recipes with Drip Content Features

Want your members to get access to a new recipe, meal prep plan, or nutrition advice each week? Our drip content scheduling feature gives you full control of when people get access to your content.

Build A Private Community Area
with Dynamic Content Protection

It’s probably safe to say that most people don’t want to talk about their health journeys in public. With MemberMouse, you can create a protected and private community area so your members feel safe and seen. And the best part? You won’t have to worry about Facebook deleting your group since it’s on your own website!

Take Full Control Over
How You Bill Your Members

Bill your members in the way that works best for your business. You can create memberships that bill on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual basis. Heck, you could even create a lifetime membership if you’re feeling extra generous!

Looking For Inspiration?
Here's The Perfect Podcast

meal plan membership

How Jamie Raftery Built
A Meal Plan Membership

“This has always been my challenge – how can I multiply myself? Because exchanging my time for money is unsustainable. With MemberMouse, I now have a way to strategically get my knowledge and content out there.”

More Helpful Features
You're Going To Love


Automated Overdue
Payment Handling

Capture payments you’d otherwise lose forever. And choose to restrict content for overdue accounts.


Free & Paid

Want to give your people a sneak peek of your membership? Create a trial to encourage new sign ups.



Make it a breeze for your members to buy additional products. And what’s easier than one click?

Kresser Institute uses MemberMouse to deliver world-class training
to 2,000+ health and wellness coaches from around the world

“With MemberMouse, we’re able to drip content out to members easily and effectively.”

MemberMouse Plays Nicely With...

Online Entrepreneurship Can Be Lonely
But With MemberMouse, You're Never Alone

Our industry leading support is available 7 days a week – 9 AM to 5 PM PST – to help you build your health and wellness empire. We pride ourselves on our personable and detail-oriented service. Our support suite is one of the most extensive in our industry, and the high level of documentation demonstrates our commitment to helping you achieve success with our software.


Tickets Resolved


Customer Satisfaction

1.5 Hours

Avg. Response Time


Support Docs & Videos

“Oh my gosh! John composed such a thorough and awesome email for me,
it even included a video training! Unbelievable. I have never received
customer support like this before. You guys are awesome!”
Michael C.
MemberMouse Customer

Gluten Free Daily uses MemberMouse to deliver meal plans, shopping lists, and other helpful resources to people on a gluten free diet

gluten free daily membership site
“MemberMouse completely supports our entire business model for our subscription model. Customers are dripped content over time, and it has been very effective at providing us with the necessary user retention for growth, and customer activity to help with customer support.”
John Doll
Founder of Gluten Free Daily