3.0.0 Release Notes

Installation/Upgrade Information

View this article for step-by-step instructions on upgrading MemberMouse. Please note that we always recommend completing a full backup before upgrading any plugin or theme on your site, including MemberMouse.

Summary of Enhancements and Bug Fixes

  • Add filter to control local billing scan interval. Added a filter that allows administrators to specify the number of minutes between scans for subscriptions that are due to bill. (GH1795)

  • Add performance index for PayPal IPN processing. Added an index to the PayPal IPNs table to optimize performance during rebill processing. (GH1004)

  • Allow API and Decision SmartTags if license cannot be validated. Modified API and SmartTag parser to function with invalid licenses to prevent issues with third-party code. (GH1802)

  • Allow PHP Interface if license cannot be validated. Modified PHP Interface to function with invalid licenses to prevent fatal errors in third-party code. (GH1782)

  • Broken support link on Courses page. Corrected a link to the Courses for MemberMouse support article. (FB3014)

  • Bulk Update of Third-Party Plugins Fails. Resolve an issue where bulk updating third-party plugins could in rare cases result in an error message. (FB3025)

  • Change handling of unlicensed state. Modified licensing module to differentiate between unlicensed installations and custom license states. (GH1801)

  • Confirmation dialog for Export Members. Added a confirmation dialog to Export Members which displays the number of members that will be exported. (FB3029)

  • Coupons with future start date show as expired. Changed behavior of Coupons page to show coupons that are not yet valid as unexpired. (GHPR77)

  • Create system to detect restore from backup. Added functionality to detect when restore from backup may have occurred, and temporarily pause local billing when this can be automatically confirmed. (FB3017)

  • Database Upgrade. Changed database table prefixes to match the WordPress installation and switched collation to utf8mb4. Created database upgrader to migrate existing installations. (GH282,FB1245)

  • Display Next Rebill Date to Order Data SmartTag. Added an attribute to the Order Data SmartTag which allows display of the next scheduled rebill date for a subscription. (FB3019)

  • Engagement returns incorrect value if no data exists. Resolved dashboard errors when no data exists by modifying engagement stats query in Reporting Suite. (GH1786)

  • Error message in Reporting Suite on plan upgrade. Resolved an issue where “Access Denied” was displayed after successfully upgrading a MemberMouse plan via the Reporting Suite. (FB3012)

  • GPL License Conversion. Redesigned code delivery mechanism and removed obfuscation to comply with GPL license terms. (FB2993,FB3042)

  • Improve error handling when scheduling rebills. Revised rebill scheduling to recalculate based on current date if calculation based on last billing date yields a date in the past. (FB3028)

  • Improve Error Handling in Local Billing. Prevent schedules associated with damaged member or order data from retrying indefinitely. (GH1807)

  • Introducing Growth Tools. Added Growth Tools, a curated selection of Caseproof and third-party plugins for use with MemberMouse. (GHPR74)

  • Introducing Local Billing. Implemented local billing scheduler for card-on-file payment methods. Added queueing system to execute rebills, and a filter to control dunning intervals. (FB2993)

  • Introducing Upcoming Payments. Added an Upcoming Payments page to manage scheduled rebills for card-on-file payment methods. (FB3018,FB3034,GH1794)

  • Lightning Grid sorting issues. Resolved an issue where repeatedly sorting data by a particular column could result in an incorrect sort order. (FB2987,GH1789)

  • Manage Members sorting issues. Resolved an issue in Manage Members where sorting by membership level resulted in no data being displayed. (FB3021)

  • Pause Local Billing in maintenance scenarios. Added detection of Site URL changes and staging domains, which automatically pauses local billing, displays an administrative alert and sends a warning email. (GH1778,FB3015,FB3020,FB3026,FB3027)

  • PHP deprecation warning in Affiliate Settings. Resolved deprecation warning (GH1805)

  • Refresh Manage Members when member created. Resolved a display issue where member list did not refresh when a new member was created in Manage Members. (FB3010)

  • Update dashboard videos to use Youtube. Changed dashboard videos to stream from Youtube instead of Wistia. (FB3040)

  • Unblock checkout UI when validation of required checkbox fails. Resolved issue where attempting to checkout without marking a required custom field checkbox displayed an error but did not return control to the purchaser. (GH1799)

  • Remove obsolete payment methods. Disabled legacy Stripe.JS option in Payment Settings, and migrate all new purchases via Stripe to Elements integration. Removed incomplete and unused payment services. (FB3022)

  • Refresh Upcoming Payments after Rebill Now. Resolved a display issue where Upcoming Payments did not refresh when an immediate rebill was executed. (GH1790)

  • Pause Local Billing in maintenance scenarios. Added detection of Site URL changes and staging domains, which automatically pauses local billing, displays an administrative alert and sends a warning email. (GH1778,FB3015,FB3020,FB3026,FB3027)
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