Content Data SmartTag (MM_Content_Data)

This tag outputs data associated with the page/post ID passed or the current page/post.


id (optional) – The ID associated with the page/post to retrieve data for. If this is not set, the ID of the current page/post will be used.

name – Indicates what type of data to output for the page/post. Below is a list of acceptable values:

dateAvailableOutputs the date the page/post became/becomes available to the current member
noAccessMessage (optional)If the current member doesn't have access to the content associated with the tag*, a custom message can be output letting them know that they don't have access.

If you want to have a custom message be displayed when the member doesn't have access, then you would set it here. You can use text or valid HTML here. By default, this tag will output nothing.

* The content the tag is associated with is dependent on if the ID attribute is set or not.

If the ID attribute is set (i.e. MM_Content_Link id='120′), then it would be associated with the WordPress post with ID 120. If the ID attribute is not set (i.e. MM_Content_Link), then it would be associated with the WordPress post/page that it's used on.
dateFormat (optional)By default, dates will be output in the format: Oct 14, 2013.

If you want to use a custom date format, use this attribute to specify what format you want the date to be in. Use standard PHP date format rules when defining a custom format.
titleOutputs the title of the page/post
<a href="[MM_Content_Link id='120']">[MM_Content_Data id='120' name='title']</a>

Date Available: [MM_Content_Data name='dateAvailable' dateFormat='M j, Y g:i a' noAccessMessage='no access']
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