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  5. Member Link SmartTag™ (MM_Member_Link)

Member Link SmartTag™ (MM_Member_Link)

This tag outputs the link that a member can interact with to perform different account-related actions such as canceling their membership or pausing a bundle they have active on their account. In order to become a functional link, this tag should be used in conjunction with a anchor tag (<a>), a button tag (<button>) or some other method of executing a link.


type – Indicates the type of action to perform on the current member's account. Below is a list of acceptable values:

cancelMembershipOutputs a link that the current member can click on to cancel their membership
pauseMembershipOutputs a link that the current member can click on to pause their membership
cancelBundleOutputs a link that the current member can click on to cancel a bundle on their account. The ‘value' attribute containing the bundle ID to cancel is required when creating this type of link.
pauseBundleOutputs a link that the current member can click on to pause a bundle on their account. The ‘value' attribute containing the bundle ID to pause is required when creating this type of link.
freeBundleOutputs a link that the current member can click on to apply a free bundle to their account. The ‘value' attribute containing the bundle ID of the free bundle to apply to the account is required when creating this type of link.

redirectUrl (optional) – Indicates the URL to redirect to after successfully completing the action. If this is not specified, the default behavior is to refresh the current page and display a message to the member with the results of the action.

value (optional) – Used in conjunction with ‘cancelBundle', ‘pauseBundle' and ‘freeBundle' links, this attribute specifies the ID of the bundle to cancel, pause or apply to the member's account.

<a href="[MM_Member_Link type='cancelMembership']">Cancel Membership</a>
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