learn all about how to use video funnels

5 Ways You Can Use Video To Win & Retain More Members

Growing your online course course or membership often comes down to a simple challenge: how do you stand out amongst the flood of information vying for your prospects attention?

It turns out that some savvy online creators are getting ahead of the game by forging a new strategy in online engagement.

And it’s all about video.

Bye Bye Video Hosting. Hello Video Funnels.

When it comes to creating a sustainable business, sure, you need good content, but you also need a solution for how you turn the leads you have into paying customers and avid superfans.

Here’s where personal video is taking over.

Personal video is being used in all sorts ways to freshen up conversion funnels and add growth opportunities from existing members.

In this article, we’re going to introduce you to the concept of video funnels. Plus, we'll actually show you the exact funnels other online creators are using to convert more leads and drive meaningful growth.

Get your pencil and paper ready.

A Quick Primer On Video Funnels

If you’re not quite sure what a video funnel is, let’s quickly break it down before we dive into the 5 funnels you can use in your own business.

A video funnel is a simple method of boosting your existing sales, marketing and customer success results with personalised videos sent at the perfect moment in the customer journey.

Each video “funnel” solves a different pain-point for your business, and is designed to fit neatly into your existing funnels and customer touchpoints.

We’ve put together 5 funnels for you below. You can use whatever tool you like to send your videos, but we’d recommend using our platform Bonjoro, which is specifically designed to help you create your own funnels and send your videos at the right time.

5 Video Funnels To Grow Your Membership

OK here goes.

Each video-funnel below is made up of four parts:

A Goal – A clear business goal that you want to accomplish.

A Trigger – A customer trigger event when you should send your video.

An Action – The video you need to send, and how to approach it.

A Message Template – A template for your video message, including a Call-to-Action to drive action from your recipient.

Basically we’ve done lots of the thinking for you. You can either steal these exact funnels, or use them as inspiration for your own video funnels!

Video Funnel 1: Convert More Inbound Leads

Goal: OK, this one is super easy. The goal here is to convert more of your inbound leads into paying members.

Trigger: This could be someone who downloads a lead magnet, or even someone who shows an interest by joining your free program.

Action: Send them a video to make a deeper personal connection, explain more about your mission, and guide them on the possible next steps in a gentle and supportive way.

Message Template: “Hi [Name]. I saw you downloaded my free guide to [subject], and wanted to reach out personally with some important tips for success”

Call-to-Action: Join the program

Customer Snapshot:

John Sonmez of BullDog Mindset kindly shared with us an example video he sends for this exact funnel. You can watch it here.
a real life example of a video funnel
John told us that he split tested 200 Bonjoro’s vs. sending no video to his inbound leads, and saw a 100% increase in paid members as a result!

Video Funnel 2: Activate New Members For Higher LTV

Goal: Ensure new paying members feel instantly connected and supported, so they stick around for the long-run.

Trigger: Your trigger here will be something like paying for your membership, or joining a specific program you just launched.

Action: Send them a video to say a personal thank you, and guide them on the first steps they should take. The important thing is to focus on perhaps one or two core steps that you know will lead to a better experience and long-term retention. In terms of a CTA on your video, you could try something like driving them to your private Facebook community.

Message Template: “Hi [Name], I recorded a personal message to welcome you to the program. Watch it to see exactly what you should be focusing on first.”

Call-to-Action: Join Facebook Group

Customer Snapshot:

Tracy Phillips of Video Script Success sent us this video to show how she is moving her email list over to her private Facebook group. Her funnel is all about bringing new members deeper into her inner circle so that they get more value, exchange ideas with other members, and stick around longer. Watch it here.
a real life example of a high converting video funnel
Her results are mind-blowing. Tracy told us she managed to move 75% of her email subscribers over to her private Facebook group, which means they will become longer term customers and spend more with her membership.

Video Funnel 3: Upsell Your True Superfans

Goal: We’re all guilty of underselling ourselves. This funnel is all about expanding the amount of revenue you get from your true superfans

Trigger: Set up a “superfan” tag in your CRM or export a list of your known best customers. This could be based on spend, or another signal in your CRM that shows they are a true superfan.

Action: Record videos for your true superfans whenever you release a new course or new tier of your membership. Rather than relying on an impersonal mass-mail approach that might get low open and optin rates, try getting personal with the right people, and watch your opt-ins and revenue skyrocket.

Message Template: “Hi [Name]. I just finished putting the final touches on my new course, and I was so excited that I wanted to personally share it with you.”

Call-to-Action: Learn more about [Course Name]
what an upsell looks like

If you'd like to discover how to put the power of upsells to work on your membership site, check out this article on using MemberMouse's 1-click upsell feature.

Video Funnel 4: Get Referrals From Your Superfans

Goal: There’s no better source of customers than your current customer base. If they’re happy with your service, they’re always one step away from referring you your next true superfan. The goal of this funnel is to recruit them to your cause, and get them sending you a stream of great referrals.

Trigger: This one is best done as a short and focused campaign. Whenever you feel that your membership needs an extra push, get tagging your best customers as “Referral Superfans” in your CRM, or download a list of them into a CSV ready to upload to Bonjoro.

Action: Record a video reminding them of your mission, thank them for their support, and gently suggest that they tell their friends or network about your membership. You could even set up a landing page with a timed discount they can get themselves and share with their friends.

Message Template: “Hi [Name]. As a bonafide superfan of [site name], can I enlist your help?”

Call-to-Action: Share your discount

For example, this could be a landing page with a timed discount to your current or new membership that your customer can view and share with their people.

You can easily create a coupon in MemberMouse that offers a one-time discount on your course or a recurring discount for your membership or subscription products. You can mention the coupon code you offer your customers in the video you send as well as include a link in the message itself.
how to use video funnels to get testimonials

Video Funnel 5: Drive 5 Star Reviews

Goal: A recent study showed that when a product with no reviews gains at least one review, that product will see an average 108% traffic lift and a 65% increase in conversion rate. That’s the power of reviews. This funnel is all about helping you get more reviews for your course or products.

Trigger: You need to look here for a signal that shows that someone had a great experience. Let’s call it a “happy customer signal”. You need to tag these users with “Happy Customer” in your CRM, and pull them across to Bonjoro via an automatic integration or CSV upload.

Action: Record your happy customers a personal video asking if they can leave a review. You can even offer to give them a discount or voucher for taking time out of their day. Keep your video short: thank them, make the review ask, and give them details of how to get their reward.

Message Template: “Hi [Name]. As a happy member, can I enlist your help with something? There’s a neat little reward available :)”

Call-to-Action: Leave a review

Here, you could simply link them to the page where you want them to leave a review.

Final Thoughts

The true secret to business growth is really all about being intentional, and doing work that matters, rather than wasting your precious time on dubious growth hacks and tactics.

Video funnels give you a simple way to unlock the true potential of your product, and breathe a new confidence into your work.

And the best bit, your customers will love you for it, and you’ll develop a wave of superfans in no time at all.

Now you’re a bonafide video funnel aficionado, the only thing that remains is to create your first funnel and watch the results roll in.

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