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  5. Create and Delete API Credentials

Create and Delete API Credentials

  1. In the MemberMouse menu, go to Developer Tools, and then click on the API Credentials tab.

  2. Next, click the Create API Credentials button.
    Note: after creating a membership level you may edit the settings at any time by clicking the ‘pencil' icon . You may also delete an API credential at anytime by clicking the delete ‘trashcan' icon.

  3. A dialog box will pop up containing all of the options available for configuring an API credential. To learn more about each option, consult the table below.

  4. After configuring the API credential, click the Save API Credentials button to save your settings.
API Credential Options
NameThe name allows you to recognize the other party that you are granting access to the API.
StatusClick the appropriate radio button to indicate whether the API credential is Active (the other party may currently use the API) or Inactive (they are not allowed access to the API).
API KeyClick on the word Generate and an API key will be automatically generated for you, or you may create one using only alphanumeric and no spaces.
API PasswordClick on the word Generate and an API password will be automatically generated for you, or you may create one using only alphanumeric and no spaces.
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