Form SmartTag™ (MM_Form)

This tag is the primary tag required for inserting a form into a page. Using this tag alone won't result in anything being rendered to the screen for the user to see. Its function is to specify the form type and provide any default parameters to all form tags contained within this tag so that MemberMouse knows how to process them. This tag is meant to be used in conjunction with the other form tags including:


type – Indicates which type of form is being created. Possible values are ‘checkout', ‘myaccount', ‘login', ‘forgotpassword', ‘resetpassword', ‘1clickpurchase', and ‘custom'.

Additional Attributes by Form Type

Different form types support different attributes. Below is a list of supported attributes broken down by form type.


productId (optional) – Specifies the ID of the product being purchased on the checkout form. If this attribute is not provided then the checkout form will attempt to get the product ID from the querystring parameter ‘rid' in the browser URL. If both this attribute and the ‘rid' querystring parameter are set then the querystring parameter will be used.

membershipLevelId (optional) – Specifies the ID of the membership level being purchased or signed up for on the checkout form. If this attribute is not provided then the checkout form will attempt to get the product ID from the querystring parameter ‘rid' in the browser URL. If both this attribute and the ‘rid' querystring parameter are set then the querystring parameter will be used.


no additional attributes supported


no additional attributes supported


no additional attributes supported


no additional attributes supported


no additional attributes supported


onSuccess (optional) – Specifies the URL to redirect to after the form has been successfully submitted and processed.

[MM_Form type='checkout']



[MM_Form type='myaccount']



[MM_Form type='1clickpurchase']



[MM_Form type='custom']


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