Testing with Braintree

You can configure Braintree to be in test mode or live mode. While Live mode is used to collect real credit card information and process real payments, test mode is useful during initial development of your site as it enables you to test everything by using a test credit card and without spending real money. Read this article to learn how to put Braintree into test mode.

Making Test Purchases

You can make test purchases the same as you would make live purchases. The only difference is that you'll need to use specific test card numbers defined by Braintree. You can find those test card numbers in the Braintree configuration area on the Payment Methods tab by clicking the Test Credit Card Numbers link.

You can use the following test credit card numbers when testing payments. The expiration date must be set to the present date or later:

  • Visa: 4111111111111111
  • Mastercard: 5555555555554444
  • American Express: 378282246310005
  • Discover: 6011111111111117
  • JCB: 3530111333300000
Testing 3D Secure 2 Checkout

Specific test card numbers are provided by Braintree for testing the 3D Secure 2 (3DS2) implementation of Strong Customer Authentication (SCA). The test card numbers below will generate an example Challenge/Authentication dialog, similar to what is presented when the issuing bank requires verification of the transaction using 3DS2. 

Please note the Client-side Sandbox Testing Information provided by Braintree specifies the expiration year for these test cards as being “the current year plus three years,” while the expiration month is always January. “For example, if the current year is 2019, a valid test value for the expiration date would be 01/2022.”

  • Visa: 4000000000001091
  • Mastercard: 5200000000001096
  • American Express: 340000000001098
Using Test Data

MemberMouse also allows you to specify test data for all common fields that need to be filled out when making a purchase. When you specify test data, MemberMouse will automatically populate the fields of checkout forms with the data you've provided which significantly speeds up your testing process. Read this article to learn how to set up and use test data.

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