updateMember API Call

The updateMember API call is used to update an existing member's account information.

Sample Request URL


Input Parameters
apikeyAPI key from MemberMouse API CredentialsYes
apisecretAPI secret from MemberMouse API CredentialsYes
member_idID of the member to updateYes, if email address is not provided
emailEmail address of the member to updateYes, if member ID is not provided
usernameUsername to set on the existing member's accountNo
first_nameFirst name to set on the existing member's accountNo
last_nameLast name to set on the existing member's accountNo
phonePhone number to set on the existing member's accountNo
passwordPassword to set on the existing member's accountNo
billing_addressBilling address to set on the existing member's accountNo
billing_cityBilling city to set on the existing member's accountNo
billing_stateBilling state to set on the existing member's accountNo
billing_zipBilling zip code to set on the existing member's accountNo
billing_countryBilling country to set on the existing member's account (2-digit ISO country code)No
shipping_addressShipping address to set on the existing member's accountNo
shipping_cityShipping city to set on the existing member's accountNo
shipping_stateShipping state to set on the existing member's accountNo
shipping_zipShipping zip code to set on the existing member's accountNo
shipping_countryShipping country to set on the existing member's account (2-digit ISO country code)No
statusStatus to set on the existing member's account. Acceptable value is one of the following integers: 1 (Active), 2 (Cancelled), 3 (Locked), 4 (Paused), 5 (Overdue)No
membership_level_idMembership level ID to change the existing member's account to. This will cancel the existing subscription associated with the current membership level and then change the membership level on the account. No billing will be initiated associated with the new membership level.No
custom_field_[ID#]You can pass custom field data to the API by passing one or more parameters in the form custom_field_[ID#] where [ID#] would be replaced with the ID of the custom field as defined in MemberMouse. For example, if the custom field ID is 4, then you would pass data for that custom field by including the parameter custom_field_4.No
Response Codes
  • 200 – Success
  • 409 – Could not find member with the member ID or email address passed
Response Data


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