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  5. Affiliate Decision SmartTag (MM_Affiliate_Decision)

Affiliate Decision SmartTag (MM_Affiliate_Decision)

This tag is used to show or hide content based on affiliate information associated with the current visitor. For example, you can use it to only show a special offer to leads that come from a particular affiliate.


affiliate (optional) – Takes a single affiliate ID or a SmartTag™ equation incorporating multiple affiliate IDs. You can also precede IDs with a ‘!' to check if the current visitor was not referred by that affiliate.

subaffiliate (optional) – Takes a single subaffiliate ID or a SmartTag™ equation incorporating multiple subaffiliate IDs. You can also precede the ID with a ‘!' to check if the current visitor was not referred by that subaffiliate.


If you use multiple attributes for a single decision, it results in an AND relationship. For example, if you write:

[MM_Affiliate_Decision affiliate='333' subaffiliate='23']

This means, show this content if…

the affiliate equals the affiliate associated with ID #333


the subaffiliate equals the subaffiliate associated with ID #23

When using the MM_Affiliate_Decision tag, you must always include an opening and closing tag. The content between the opening and closing tags can be any valid HTML or JavaScript and it can also contain other MemberMouse SmartTags™ including other decision tags with the exception of the MM_Affiliate_Decision itself. The MM_Affiliate_Decision cannot be used within itself.

Here are some valid examples:

[MM_Affiliate_Decision affiliate='aff_1']

Hi [MM_Member_Data name='firstName']!

This content is directed specifically toward visitors and members who were referred by affiliate 'aff_1'.

[MM_Affiliate_Decision affiliate='aff_2' subaffiliate='email|banner']

[MM_Member_Decision isMember='true']

You are currently a member


This content is directed specifically toward visitors and members who were referred by affiliate 'aff_2' and subaffiliate 'email' or 'banner'.

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