Create an Affiliate Link

MemberMouse has a built-in two-tier affiliate tracking system which means that for each order placed you can track an affiliate ID and sub-affiliate ID. The first thing you need to do is configure the affiliate and sub-affiliate keywords so you can use them to create affiliate links. The default affiliate keyword is ‘affid' and the default sub-affiliate keyword is ‘sid'.

Any page on your membership site can be used as the landing page for affiliate links. No matter which page a prospect is sent to, as long as you pass the affiliate information correctly in the URL, MemberMouse will recognize it and store it so that when the prospect makes a purchase the affiliate can be credited with a referral.

Creating an affiliate link is simple. Assume that the URL of the landing page for the affiliate link is and assume that the affiliate ID is ‘demoaffiliate' and the sub-affiliate ID is ‘banner1'. We would construct the affiliate link as follows:

If you've changed the affiliate or sub-affiliate keywords from the default values you would replace ‘affid' or ‘sid' to the appropriate keywords based on your configuration.

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