First of all, take a depth breathe and relax, we're going to get through this 🙂 When you can't log into your site, there are few common reasons why this is. In this article we'll go through each of them and explain what you can do to resolve it.
In all of the examples below let's assume that your WordPress is installed at
1. Remove MemberMouse from the Equation
MemberMouse simply integrates with WordPress' authentication system so if you can't log into WordPress then you won't be able to login via MemberMouse either. So to start, let's make sure you can log into WordPress. To do this, just go to and attempt to login.
If you have problems here, check the steps below:
Invalid WordPress Admin Credentials
First of all, make sure that the username and password you're using to login are the correct ones keeping in mind that in WordPress your email address is not always your username. If you have problems logging in, attempt to reset your password by clicking the Lost your password? link.
WordPress Admin Account Corrupted
If you accidentally used your WordPress admin email address to sign up for a membership account on your site, this will result in revoking administrative rights and therefore you won't be able to log into your WordPress admin area with that account anymore. In order to fix this you'll need to access your database and use the following instructions to create a new admin account. We would highly recommend backing up your database before proceeding.
You will need to access your WordPress database through whatever means available to you, usually PHP MyAdmin. Once inside you will need to select the wp_user_meta table. You will see a few lines that all have the same number value in the user_id column; these will all be associated with the same user account. Check the ‘nickname' line value to locate your admin user account. Usually it will be user_id 1. Once you have located the correct account you will need to alter the value for two lines:
the wp_capabilities value will need to be set to a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;b:1;}
and the wp_user_level to 10
Once saved, you should be able to login again as admin.
2. MemberMouse Login Page vs. WordPress Login Page
After you've confirmed that you can log into WordPress, the next step is ensuring your MemberMouse login page is working correctly. As a new MemberMouse user, when you first install MemberMouse it may be a little bit confusing not to see the familiar WordPress login page when you attempt to access the WordPress admin area. The first thing to understand is that this login page behaves exactly the same as the WordPress login page. You can simply type in your WordPress admin credentials here and you'll be logged into the WordPress admin area. By the way, if you'd like, you can configure MemberMouse to use WordPress' login page instead.
3. 3rd Party Software Interfering with Login Process
If you've confirmed that your login credentials are correct by logging directly into WordPress at but when you attempt to login via the MemberMouse login form it's not working, the first thing to do is put MemberMouse into safe mode and see if that resolves the issue. Here are instructions on using safe mode.
4. Server Configuration
If you're still having issues, the final thing to check is your server configuration. Specifically you'll want to check with your hosting provider if they're utilizing server-side caching such as Varnish. If they are, you'll want to make sure that the login page is excluded from being cached. This article outlines steps you can take to work with your hosting provider to avoid issues that can arise as a result of server-side caching.