Setting Valid Countries for Checkout Forms

By default, MemberMouse allows all countries to be an option on the checkout page. However, this can be changed easily, and each country you want to do business with can be added or removed easily in the MemberMouse settings.

NOTE: Many countries have unique laws regarding taxes and user privacy. Please be sure to check with those laws before doing business with them.

  1. In the MemberMouse menu go to Checkout Settings, and then click on the Countries tab.

  2. Select all of the countries customers should be able to make purchases from.

    Note: To select multiple countries on a PC, hold down the Control key on your keyboard as you select each country. On a Mac, hold down the Command key on your keyboard as you select each country.

  3. Next, choose the country that should be selected by default on the checkout page.

  4. Click the Save Settings button.
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