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  5. Add a Signup Link for Non-Members to your Login page

Add a Signup Link for Non-Members to your Login page

If you want to replace the Login Core Page template with one that offers a signup link, copy and paste the code below into a Custom HTML block of the WordPress Editor.

In the example code provided below, the result is that the text “Not Yet a Member? Sign Up Here – we won't bite :)” appearing underneath the login form with the ‘Sign Up Here' text linking to a purchase of product ID 1. The messaging text and the link that it goes to should be amended to suit your needs. The goal is to allow potential new members a simple pathway to sign up from your login page.

[MM_Member_Decision isMember='true']
You are already logged in! Need to log out? You can do that <a href="[MM_CorePage_Link type='logout']" title="Log out">here</a>.

[MM_Member_Decision isMember='false']
<p>Not Yet a Member? <a href="[MM_Purchase_Link productId='1']">Sign Up Here</a> — we won't bite :)</p></br>
[MM_Form type='login']
<div class="mm-login">
[MM_Form_Message type='error']
[MM_Form_Message type='success']

<h3>Enter your username and password below</h3>
        <td class="mm-label-column">
          <span class='mm-label'>Username</span>
        <td class="mm-field-column">
          [MM_Form_Field name='username']
        <td class="mm-label-column">
          <span class='mm-label'>Password</span>
        <td class="mm-field-column">
          [MM_Form_Field name='password']
        <td class="mm-label-column"></td>
        <td class="mm-field-column">
          [MM_Form_Button type='login' label='Login']
          <label for="rememberme" class="mm-remember-me"><input name="rememberme" id="rememberme" type="checkbox" checked="checked" value="forever">
Remember me</label>
<td class="mm-label-column"></td>
 <td class="mm-field-column">
          <a href="[MM_CorePage_Link type='forgotPassword']" class="mm-forgot-password">Forgot Password</a>

In order to include the accurate signup link, make sure to edit the href attribute in the following line of code:

<p>Not Yet a Member? <a href="[MM_Purchase_Link productId='1']">Sign Up Here</a> — we won't bite :)</p>
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