Working with Core Pages

Create a Core Page

All default core pages are created during installation of MemberMouse, but there will be times you may want to create...

Change a Default Core Page

If you have a page assigned as a default core page, you can easily replace it with a previously created...

Create a Custom Checkout Page

When MemberMouse is activated on your site, one of the pages created is the Checkout Core page. This is the page...

Create Product Specific Confirmation Page

There is one default Confirmation core page created during the installation of MemberMouse. Upon initial install, the information presented on this...

Create an additional Member Homepage

The member home core page is where a member is directed after they log in (Note: this is the default...

Core Pages Were Accidentally Deleted

The 11 core pages contain scripts that provide the functionality of MemberMouse. If more core pages are added, they, too,...