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  5. Create an Account Security Key for Identity Confirmation

Create an Account Security Key for Identity Confirmation

These instructions will allow you to strengthen data security by creating an account secret key or password that can be verified when a person makes contact to discuss account information and/or display the user's Member ID to give an account-specific piece of information you can use for verification other than just the member's name or email.

OPTION 1: Using a Secret Phrase or Security Questions

The secret key can be gathered as a text phrase or password; or you can list specific security questions for users choose from, and then create a space for them to answer.

This key can be gathered on the checkout page during signup and displayed on the My Account Core Page. The fields can be optional, or made to be required. Or, if you'd prefer not to make them part of the checkout process, you can skip placing them on the checkout page and just show them on the My Account page.

Those members choosing to use the Account Key can fill it in by clicking the ‘Update' link on that section of their account information.

Creating the Custom Fields
  1. In the MemberMouse menu, click Checkout Settings and the Custom Fields tab.

  2. Click the Create Custom Field button.

  3. If you decide to have your members select a security question, you will create a dropdown field for your questions.

    Select ‘Dropdown' in the Type box, and enter the label you want to use for the field in the name box (this will display in the My Account section). Add one question in each option field, and click the green + button to add additional questions.

    Then check the box to ‘Show on My Account Page', and then save.

  4. Then, you'll create one short text field for the answer.

    If you use a custom phrase or password, you will use just the short text field.  Enter the label you want to use for the field in the name box (this will display in the My Account section), click the ‘Show on My Account Page' box, select Short Text as type, and click the Save button.

Collecting the Information at Signup

If you want to collect the security information on signup, you can add them to the checkout page.

  1. Click the SmartTag icon in the custom field listing.

  2. Copy the SmartTag for your field.

    If you are using more than one SmartTag™ in the case of Question and Answer, then hover over the name of the second SmartTag™ in the listing and make note of the ID.

  3. Then, go to MemberMouse > All Pages > and click the edit link for your Checkout page.

  4. Locate where you would like your field to appear.

    Input any text you would like to go along with the field, and paste the SmartTag™ from the custom field box. You can make the fields required to submit the checkout form by adding isRequired='true' to the existing SmartTag™ attributes.  

    If you have multliple fields, just repeat this step, changing the existing SmartTag ID attribute with the one you made note of earlier.

    Example For custom field with the ID 12: Account Secret:  [MM_Form_Field type='custom' id='12' isRequired='false' class=”] will look like this on the Checkout Page:

    Digits & Threads logo
OPTION 2: Using the Member ID

Each member has a unique Member ID assigned to them and displayed in the Manage Members section of the admin dashboard.

To display a user's Member ID so that it can be used as an Account Security Key, simply choose the location you would like it to be displayed, and use the MM_Member_Data SmartTag with ‘id' as the name value:

[MM_Member_Data name='id']

This will output the member's unique ID anywhere it is placed on your MemberMouse website.


Member Home Core Page

Some users put a custom welcome message on their Member Home Core Page displaying the member's name.  The ID could be placed alongside this as an easily accessible location to view the ID:

For example, this code…..

Welcome [MM_Member_Data name='firstName']!

Your unique member ID is: [MM_Member_Data name='id']

To keep your account secure, you may be asked to provide this ID should you ever need to call us for support.

Would display as:

My Account Core Page

You could also add this to your My Account Core Page alongside the member's other account information. To do this, just locate where you would like to display the information, and in the Text tab of the WordPress Editor, add:

<p class="mm-myaccount-element"><span class="mm-myaccount-label">
Member ID:
<span class="mm-myaccount-data">
[MM_Form_Data name='id']

Adding it just above the member's name information would display like this:

Welcome Email

SmartTags™ render in MemberMouse emails as well. So you may want to include the Member ID in the member's welcome email just in case the member is having trouble resetting their password and can't get into their account.  

You can include the ID in the new member welcome email, or send another email via Push Notification along with a note letting the user know they should save this just in case they ever need to contact you about their account.

To add the ID to the Welcome Email, go to MemberMouse > Product Settings > Membership levels > Edit (pencil icon in the Actions column) and enter your note and the SmartTag™ into the Welcome Email section text.  

View our Push Notifications article for more information on sending emails when certain user events occur in MemberMouse.

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