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  5. Available Shortcodes for Membermouse Courses

Available Shortcodes for Membermouse Courses

The Courses For MemberMouse Extention includes several shortcodes. These allow you to display courses or sections of courses on arbitrary pages of your site. For logged-in members, you may also display a list of accessible courses.

Display Accessible Courses

Displays a paginated list of all courses available to the currently logged-in member. When the shortcode is displayed by a visitor who is not logged into the site, no content is displayed.

Example: [mmcs-my-courses]

Display Course Overview

Displays the list of all sections and lessons from a specific course. It requires only one of the following two attributes:

  • course_id  Course ID that you want to display. To get a course ID, open the course in the editor, and the ID is displayed as the value of the post parameter in the browser address bar

  • lesson_id  The ID of a lesson contained within the course that you want to display.  To get a lesson ID, open a course in the editor, click Curriculum, and edit one of the lessons in the course. The lesson ID is displayed as the value of the post parameter in the browser address bar

    Example: [mmcs-course-overview course_id='472']
Display Section Overview

Displays the list of all lessons in a specific section of one of your courses. It accepts a lesson_id parameter, which should be set to the ID of one of the lessons contained within the desired section. To get a lesson ID, open a course in the editor, and click Curriculum. Edit one of the lessons contained within the desired section. The lesson ID is displayed as the value of the post parameter in the browser address bar

Example: [mmcs-section-overview lesson_id='502']

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