MemberMouse 3.0+
The Upcoming Payment Module allows an admin to see exactly when upcoming payments are scheduled for onsite payment providers only. Offsite payment providers will be managed at their respective sites.
The Upcoming Payments Module is a powerful troubleshooting tool that allows the admin to modify and delete scheduled payments being billed by MemberMouse. With the release of the local billing features in 3.0, this tool will prove useful, empowering site owners to manage their own billing more effectively, troubleshoot, and make changes where necessary. The purpose of this documentation is to clarify what its features do.
You can locate the Upcoming Payments Module by selecting MemberMouse > Upcoming Payments in the left column menu.

The Advanced Search button options are as illustrated. This allows you to search and filter payment schedules by date, order numbers, products, and member info.
The list of payments scheduled has various useful data points. The Date column shows the date of the scheduled payment. Along with the purchaser and product info, the Service Provider shows, and also product data. State details the current status of the payment. It can show Pending, or it can show how many failed payment attempts have been made: 1st Failure, 2nd Failure, etc.
Clicking an Order # link in the list leads you to the Transactions tab for the member. Clicking the Email link leads you to the General tab for a member.

In the Actions column, this area allows you to control the options of the individual payment.
Clicking Edit (Pencil) allows you to edit the upcoming billing date for a future time, or you can immediately bill a future payment now.

The Rebill Now button has a confirm dialog. Save does not.
Clicking the Skip Payment arrows skips the current payment and schedules the next payment. It asks for confirmation.
Clicking Delete (Trash Can) cancels the entire subscription while retaining access. It asks for confirmation.
Bulk Actions are supported, allowing you to manage more than one payment at a time. The two operations are Skip and Delete. They ask for confirmation.

Important: Please exercise caution when using these features. The Upcoming Payments Module is capable of modifying billing dates, skipping payments, and deleting subscriptions, individually or in bulk.
Changes cannot be undone. Be sure to double-check any modifications before confirming. This tool is intended for maintenance scenarios, and most daily subscription management tasks should be performed in Manage Members.