Troubleshooting MemberMouse on a Local Host

If you are encountering errors while trying to install MemberMouse on a local host, there are many reasons why this might occur. One could be that the communication between the plugin and our server is being blocked.

Here are some steps to see if this is the case:

  1. Make sure you have Registered Your Local Install URL properly, including the HTTP or HTTPS at the beginning of the URL. Note: If you do not have a license for your local host URL yet, you will need to Request a Staging License first.

  2. The database table that all classes are stored in is the mm_container table.

  3. Delete all rows from this database table

  4. Download the latest version of the plugin here: Latest MM Version Download

  5. Activate the plugin

Following activation (whether success or failure) check the mm_containers table. There should be many rows in that table. If there aren't then the communication between the plugin and our server is being interfered with.

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