Core Pages Overview

Core Pages Overview

Core pages are MemberMouse specific pages that come equipped with useful SmartTags™ to help create an easy way for your membership site...

Checkout Core Page

The checkout core page is where a user is directed when they click on a purchase link. There is only...

Confirmation Core Page

The confirmation core page is where a user is directed after they have made a purchase. Upon initial install, the...

Error Core Page

The error core page is used to display informative messaging to members when they attempt to interact with pages they...

Forgot Password Core Page

The Forgot Password core page is where a user is directed when they forgot their password and wants to request...

Logout Core Page

The Logout core page is where a user is directed after they've logged out. There is one default Logout core...

Member Home Core Page

The member home core page is where a member is directed after they log in. (Note: this is the default...

My Account Core Page

The My Account core page is where a user is directed when they want to view and manage account information...

Redeem Gift Core Page

The Redeem Gift core page is where a user is directed when a gift membership or bundle has been purchased for them....

Reset Password Core Page

The Reset Password core page is where a user is directed when they click a password reset link from an...