2.4.2 Release Notes

Installation/Upgrade Information

View this article for step-by-step instructions on upgrading MemberMouse.

Summary of Enhancements and Bug Fixes

NOTE: MemberMouse has moved to a new release format.  From 2.4.2 forward there will be little to no minor version releases, and more frequent major releases.  This current release is aimed at bugfixes and improvements.  

Stripe Integration fixes
  • Resolved an issue with Enhanced Stripe Elements Styling (2985)
  • Resolved an issue where attempting to checkout with a coupon while using Stripe caused a javascript error that blocked purchase (2981)
  • Resolved an issue where checkout pages missing certain smart tags could cause subscriptions to be comped incorrectly while using Stripe Elements (2990)
  • Resolved issue where Lightning Grid sorted incorrectly when using cache (2987)
  • Resolved an issue where Browse Transactions renderer was formatting dates incorrectly
  • Resolved an issue where an apostrophe in a membership level name prevented reports in the reporting module from  rendering correctly (1566)
User experience fixes
  • Changed upgrade link displayed when current plan does not have access to a feature
  • Fixed issues where existing users make a new purchase while logged out, but use an incorrect password causing an error after payment has already been made (2983)
  • Resolved issue where Logout core page does not log the user out (2989)
Miscellaneous fixes
  • Modified GetResponse integration to send only one IP Address to GetResponse if PHP reports multiple ip addresses (2982)
  • Eliminated some warnings when using PHP 8 and expected POST variables were not present
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