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  5. Can I translate MemberMouse pages into another language?

Can I translate MemberMouse pages into another language?

Yes. It’s possible to translate most text in the MemberMouse backend to the language of your choice using WordPress’ built-in localization feature. This is in addition to being able to create member-facing content in the language of your choice with few exceptions. Most of the things that your customers will be interacting with via your website and member portal can be translated as the majority of customer-facing content that MemberMouse creates is simply HTML text that can be modified via the WordPress editor.

Translate MemberMouse – Advanced
Translate MemberMouse – Basic

In versions prior to 3.0.6, there are a few instances where items can either not be translated, or require more coding than just changing the HTML in order to translate. Wherever possible we've suggested other methods of translating these elements.

Versions 2.0 to 3.0.5 – Elements able to be translated with additional coding:

  1. Error messages generated by MemberMouse or error messages received from 3rd parties, such as the payment service provider.

    If you are technically inclined you can customize this message to appear in another language. The Customize Error Messages on the Checkout Page article provides additional information on how to do this. You'll note in this article that you can translate the 3rd party error messages only if you know the specific error message received from the 3rd party that you want to translate.

  2. The product price description. A workaround would be to create product-specific custom checkout pages and replace the [MM_Form_Data name='productPriceDescription'] SmartTag with text in your language describing the pricing for that product. The Create a Custom Checkout Page article provides additional information on how to do this.

  3. The payment processing message on the checkout page that displays after a customer has submitted their order.  You can customize this message to appear in another language by following the information provided in Customize the Checkout Page Processing Message

Because messages coming from 3rd party vendors, such as payment service providers, are received and then directly output by MemberMouse onto the screen, if you do not know the specific error message from the 3rd party vendor, then this will not be able to be translated.

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