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  5. Customize the Forgot Password (Reset Password) Email Template

Customize the Forgot Password (Reset Password) Email Template

How Does the Email Template Work

You can use Forgot Password Email template to send a personalized automated email to members who forget their passwords.

When members are on the log in page, they have the option to click on the Forgot Password link. This link will direct the member to submit his/her email. This action automatically generates a Forgot Password Email from the template and sends it to the member.

Keep in mind, that when you include SmartTags™ in the email template, it will be personalized to the member. See the directions below to further customize the subject or the body or use as it is now.

How to Customize the Forgot Password Email
  1. In the MemberMouse menu, click Email Settings and then click on Email Templates tab. The following default email template will be displayed.

  2. Type in a subject in the required Subject line exactly how it will appear to your members.

  3. Next, compose the body of the email in the Body field.

    You may use SmartTags™ to intelligently generate specific data and personalize your email templates to each member. The following SmartTags™ are available to use in any email template and can be found in the SmartTag™ library:  

    Content_Data (you must provide an ID); CorePage_Link; CustomField_Data; Employee_Data; Member_Data; Member_Link; and Purchase_Link.

    To learn more about SmartTags™, go to the SmartTags™ Overview article.

  4. When you are done click Save Settings.
How to Change the “From:” Email Address
  1. The default employee email address is used as the “From:” address when MemberMouse generates an email to a customer. If you would like to change the email address that customers see then you will have to change the default employee.

  2. In the MemberMouse menu go to General Settings, and then click on the Employees tab.

  3. In the Employees tab you will see all of the employee accounts you have created, the email address for each, the name of the person behind each account, and their role.

    To the left of each is a flag. This ‘orange flag' icon indicates a default employee account. Click on the flag next to an employee account you would like to be the default. After you click the flag, you will be prompted to confirm this change.

    If you need to create a new employee, you can follow the steps in Create an Employee Account
Default Forgot Password Email Template

Below is the default forgot password email template that you can use as a starting point:

Hi [MM_Member_Data name='firstName'],

Click the link below to reset you account password:

<a href="[MM_CorePage_Link type='resetpassword']">[MM_CorePage_Link type='resetpassword']</a>

If you have any questions, please contact us at [MM_Employee_Data name='email'].

[MM_Employee_Data name='displayName']
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