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  5. Installation Error – Problem downloading libraries

Installation Error – Problem downloading libraries

The following article will help you get MemberMouse installed if you have received an error stating:

“There was a problem downloading all the libraries necessary for proper MemberMouse function. 

You will need to download and install a different version of the plugin.”

What this error means

In order to keep the MemberMouse plugin zip file size lower than the standard 2MB upload limit for WordPress plugins, some elements, such as the libraries necessary for the payment processor integrations, are stored on our server and pulled during the installation process, instead of being packaged directly in the plugin zip file. Your setup is not allowing these libraries to be installed in this way. So the alternative is to download a zip file of the MemberMouse plugin that is larger than the 2MB limit and includes all the necessary payment processor libraries as part of the zip file.

How to fix it

In order to get MemberMouse working as expected you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Make sure your site is able to install plugins bigger than 2MB in size. There are two ways you can accomplish this:
    • Install a plugin such as the “Upload Larger Plugins” plugin, and then install MemberMouse using the steps below starting at Step 2.
    • Change the upload_max_filesize by using Editing the .htaccess file to include the following code:
      php_value upload_max_filesize 20M
      php_value post_max_size 30M
      php_value memory_limit 128M

      (Note: This version of MemberMouse is over the standard 2MB plugin size, so this needs to be adjusted. If you find you are not able to adjust your upload_max_filesize on your side, you will need to work with your hosting provider to get this adjusted to 3MB or higher.)

  2. Download this version of the MemberMouse plugin, which includes these libraries, and save it in a location on your computer that you can find later.

  3. Log into your WordPress site and go to the Plugins page.

  4. Click the Add New button at the top of the page.

  5. Click on the Upload link at the top of the page.

  6. Under where it says Install a plugin in .zip format, click the Browse button and navigate to the place where you saved the MemberMouse plugin.

  7. Click the Install Now button.

  8. On most servers, clicking the Install Now button will start the process automatically. However, sometimes additional security is required by the server and WordPress will ask for your FTP credentials. Just fill out the form and click Proceed.

  9. After the installation has completed, click the Activate Plugin link to activate MemberMouse.

  10. After the plugin has been activated, you may see a yellow bar with a message that says that MemberMouse can't use the cache.

    MemberMouse utilizes a directory on your server to cache files in order to increase performance. When this message displays it means that MemberMouse can't write to that directory because of a permissions issue. To correct this and allow MemberMouse to utilize the cache directory, just click the Click here to correct this link. Depending on your server configuration, WordPress may ask you for your FTP credentials in order to proceed.
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