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  4. Purchasing Options
  5. Set the Default Membership Level or Product

Set the Default Membership Level or Product

MemberMouse uses purchase links that contain a membership level or product ID so that the checkout form knows what is being purchased.

For example, if your checkout page is hosted at http://yourdomain.com/checkout/ and the customer is purchasing a product with an ID of 4, then the purchase link would look like this:


What if a user modifies the purchase link in the browser so that there's no product ID or an invalid product ID? In this case, MemberMouse will load the checkout form as if the user is purchasing the default membership level or product. By default, MemberMouse will use the default free membership level that's created automatically when you install MemberMouse, but you can configure MemberMouse to use any membership level or product defined in the system. MemberMouse will also load the default membership level or product defined by this setting if someone visits the checkout page directly, without a purchase link.

How to set the default membership level or product for your checkout forms
  1. In the MemberMouse menu click on Checkout Settings.

  2. Click on the Other Settings tab.

  3. Scroll down to the Default Membership Level or Product section.

  4. Click the appropriate radio button to indicate whether you want a Membership Level or Product to be used as the default.

  5. After you've clicked a radio button, the drop down will be populated with all the available items of the selected type. Select the item you want to be used as the default from the drop down.

  6. Click the Save Settings button.
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