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  5. Truncating Posts in Category View for Logged In Members

Truncating Posts in Category View for Logged In Members

MemberMouse provides several different ways to show or hide content based on the currently logged in member's access rights. You can protect pages/posts, RSS feeds, search results, archives and even specific portions of a page/post using a Decision SmartTag. Additionally you can protect content on category or blog WordPress template pages.

On the category, blog or tag pages, MemberMouse gives you the ability to show an excerpt of your post on these pages using the <!–more–> tag. Read this article to learn how to protect post excerpts.  However, search engines will not index these excerpts. If you do want your page to appear in search results, then there is the alternate option of protecting the entire page using Access Decision SmartTags. However, when in category view, a logged in member will see the entire content instead of an excerpt.

Here is an approach that allows you to provide excerpts for members in category view that are also able to be indexed by search engines:

[MM_Access_Decision access='false']

Promo content or upsell message for guests and search engines


[MM_Access_Decision access='true']

Part 1 or excerpt of Member Content - visible in category view and on the page itself



[MM_Access_Decision access='true']

Part 2 of Member Content - visible on the page itself (not visible in category view)

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