MemberMouse allows you to easily protect WordPress pages and posts based on membership level or bundle as well as drip...
In certain situations you may require more fine-grained control over when and who should be able to access content. In...
There may be times that you need to deliver specific content unique to each member. MemberMouse has a couple of...
Available from MM 2.4.1+ By extending the built-in WordPress functionality for bulk management of posts, MemberMouse makes it easy for...
In MemberMouse, it's possible to protect all posts associated with a particular category by configuring a membership level or bundle...
You can use Custom Post Types with MemberMouse under most conditions. When creating a custom post type for WordPress, the...
MemberMouse provides two easy methods to protect specific pages and posts within WordPress. First would be the standard Grant Access function and...
MemberMouse provides an easy way to create drip content schedules allowing you a large amount of flexibility in time-releasing content to your...