Checkout Core Page

The checkout core page is where a user is directed when they click on a purchase link. There is only one default checkout core page on your site which is used by all users regardless of their access rights.

Customers are directed to the Checkout core page when they click on a purchase link.  You can easily create a purchase link that will lead to the Checkout Core page by creating a product in the Product Settings menu and then copying the Purchase Link code from the ‘Purchase Link' column next to the product you created.

Because the Checkout Core Page contains MemberMouse SmartTags™, the page dynamically adjusts based on the product information that is passed to it through a Purchase Link and whether the member is logged in.

For this reason, most MemberMouse customers find that they do not need to create any additional checkout pages besides the default Checkout core page.

The standard behavior of the default Checkout core page without any additional work on your part includes:

  • Customers can checkout using a credit card and / or an offsite payment method such as PayPal.

  • Sections of the form will be shown or hidden based on what is being purchased. For example, if a product being purchased doesn't require shipping, the shipping information will be hidden.

  • The form will be pre-populated with data the user has already filled out before. This saves time and gets them to checkout quicker.

  • Intelligent form validation will ensure that all of the required fields are filled out. You also have the ability to create minimal checkout forms eliminating certain data you don't need to collect. For example, if your payment processor will accept payments this way, you could configure the form to collect only the billing zip code, thus skipping the billing address, city, state and country.

  • The country and shipping method dropdowns are dynamically populated based on your configurations in MemberMouse.

  • Information related to the order is displayed on screen and immediately updated as the user interacts with the form. For example, the product price, shipping cost, discount amount and order total will all be updated automatically as the user changes shipping methods and applies coupons.

  • Affiliate information will be captured and associated with the order.

  • Errors resulting from invalid payment information are handled automatically. A message is displayed to the user with details about why the order didn't go through and all of the data they entered is repopulated so they don't have to fill it out again.

  • After a successful purchase, customers will be redirected to the appropriate confirmation page and will be automatically logged in, giving them immediate access to the content they just paid for and it creates the perfect opportunity to offer targeted upsells.

  • Based on what a customer purchases, MemberMouse will automatically create new accounts, upgrade/downgrade existing accounts, apply bundles to existing accounts and update their order history.
Changing the Layout of the Checkout Form

The checkout form template is comprised of HTML, CSS and SmartTags™. The SmartTags™ provide all of the functional components of the checkout form. In fact, you can remove all of the HTML and just use SmartTags™ and the checkout form will still work. The HTML is used to specify the layout of the form elements and as the HTML is present right within the WordPress editor, you can modify it any way you want. You just need to make sure that the SmartTags™ remain intact.

Styling the Checkout Form

The checkout form template is comprised of HTML, CSS and SmartTags™. The checkout form is fully functional when only the SmartTags™ are used. The HTML and CSS provided by MemberMouse demonstrate one way of laying out and styling the functional elements. To style the checkout form you could completely remove the HTML that MemberMouse includes and add your own or you could override the MemberMouse CSS styles to adjust the look of the default checkout form template.

You can download this CSS template which contains styles you can use for modifying the look and feel of the checkout form template.

Checkout Form SmartTags™

The checkout form template is comprised of HTML, CSS and SmartTags™. The SmartTags™ provide all of the functional components of the checkout form. In fact, you can remove all of the HTML and just use SmartTags™ and the checkout form will still work. Check out these checkout page examples and the documentation on Form SmartTags™ to learn more about configuring the SmartTags™ used on the checkout form.

MemberMouse Checkout Form Template

If you do find that you need to replace the original code for the Checkout page or you do want to create a custom checkout page, you can start by inserting the template.

Note in WordPress 5.0 and above: 

The dropdown is no longer available to automatically enter templates into the editor.  We have created a Templates Folder in the Knowledge Base with the code for each core page.  You can copy and paste the code from the relevant template into a Custom HTML block in the new editor if you ever have the need to reset one of the MemberMouse Core Pages.

For WordPress 4.9 and below:

MemberMouse comes with a fully-functional checkout form template. To insert the checkout form template, go the MM Templates dropdown above the WordPress content editor, select Checkout and click the ‘green plus' icon.

The result of inserting the checkout form template is that MemberMouse will insert HTML, CSS and SmartTags™ into the content editor to produce a functional checkout form that is completely customizable. While there can only be one default checkout core page on your membership site, you can use the checkout form as many times as you want, anywhere you want, including in a MemberMouse SmartWidget.

With MemberMouse's intelligent checkout forms you can create forms that satisfy even the most demanding technical requirements while giving you complete flexibility over layout and design. And, all of it is achieved using our SmartTags™, so no coding is required!

They are so flexible, you can create a checkout page that contains just the checkout form or you can include a checkout form as part of a sales page with options to put the form in the side bar or at the bottom of the sales pitch.

Here are some examples you are welcome to use on your site: Checkout Page Examples

Each checkout form you create comes with the same pre-built with intelligent behavior of the default checkout core page to ensure the most efficient and secure user experience is achieved. You can review that list above.

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