Create a Welcome Email

MemberMouse gives you the option to design an email to be automatically sent out to new members. Each membership level has a welcome email template ready for you to customize. You will also be able to change and evolve the welcome email at anytime.

Create a Welcome Email
  1. When you edit or create a new membership level, a dialog box will pop up containing a section for designing a Welcome Email.

  2. After configuring the Welcome Email, click the Save Membership Level button to save your settings.

  3. At any time after creating it, if you want to edit your Welcome Email, go to Product Settings >  Membership Levels tab, and click on the pencil icon to edit a membership level.
Welcome Email Options
Send Welcome Email

Check this box if you would like a welcome email to automatically be sent out to new members who sign up for this membership level. Uncheck this box if you don't want a welcome email automatically sent out.

This is the email address that will show up as the From address when the member receives the email. The default employee account will be automatically selected. You can select a different employee email address to be used by selecting a different one from the drop down. If you need to add more employees, click the add employees link.

This is the subject of the email. It can contain plain text only. You can personalize it by using MemberMouse SmartTags™. You can use a number of different SmartTags here and you can find a list of valid SmartTags by rolling over the  icon. One SmartTag that is particularly relevant here is the Member_Data SmartTag which can be used to add member data such as first name, last name, email address, password, etc. Click here to view a sample welcome email.

This is the body of the email. It can contain plain text and HTML. You can personalize it by using MemberMouse SmartTags™. You can use a number of different SmartTags™ here and you can find a list of valid SmartTags™ by rolling over the  icon. One SmartTag™ that is particularly relevant here is the Member_Data SmartTag which can be used to add member data such as first name, last name, email address, password, etc. Click here to view a sample welcome email.
Sample Welcome Email

Below is a sample welcome email that uses relevant MemberMouse SmartTags™ that you could use as a starting point for creating your custom welcome email. To learn more about the SmartTags™ used view the SmartTag™ documentation.

Subject: Welcome [MM_Member_Data name='firstName']!


Hi [MM_Member_Data name='firstName'],

Thanks for joining our community!

You can login with the following credentials:
Username: [MM_Member_Data name='username']
Password: [MM_Member_Data name='password']

<a href="[MM_CorePage_Link type='homepage' autoLogin='true']">Click here to login</a>

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 
<a href="mailto:[MM_Employee_Data name='email']">[MM_Employee_Data name='email']</a>.

[MM_Employee_Data name='displayName']

Note:  If you'd prefer not to include the member's password in the welcome email, just remove the Member_Data name='password' SmartTag.

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