
Manage Members Overview

The manage members page is a clear overview of all of your members and their accounts. You can use the advanced search option or organize your members list according to the column headers.

Managing Members

To access this page, in the MemberMouse menu, select Manage Members.

The screenshot below is an example of what the manage members page will look like.

Here you will see all of your members, their email, name, the date they registered, their membership level and the current status of their membership. Additionally, you will see their membership level, products, and bundles associated with their accounts. The engagement column will visually show you how your members are interacting with your site.

The Manage Members page is the place to createeditdeleteimport and search for members. Consult the Managing Members Options table below to learn more.

Note: Click on any column header to sort your members alphabetically or numerically according to the header.

Manage Members Columns
Name Here are the names of all of your members.
EmailThe emails of all of your members. Most often your members will use their email as their username in order to log in. 

Note:  Click the email to be shown member details.
Membership Level This column shows the membership level that each member has signed up for.
BundlesIf your members have any active bundles, they will be listed under this column.
ProductsThis column lists products purchased by your members. It shows single-payment products and active subscriptions. Cancelled subscriptions are not displayed here. The Products column was introduced in MemberMouse 3.0.6.
RegisteredThis column shows the date when a customer first signed up to become a member.
Status ChangedThis column shows the date when the member's current status was changed. This column will only show up when the Status Changed Date is selected from the Search By drop down in the search criteria.
EngagementThese icons indicate the interaction the member has with their membership. These icons will begin to show up as soon as a member's account has been activated.  

Last Login Date – Hover your cursor over the “purple calendar” icon to see the date and time the member last logged into the site. 

Number of Logins – The number next to the “yellow key” icon shows you the number of times a member has logged into their account. 

Pages Accessed – The number next to the “blue page” icon shows you the number of unique pages that the member has accessed so far.
StatusThese icons indicate the status of the membership for each member.

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(1) Active – The member has an active account and can access all protected content associated with their membership level.

(2) Canceled – The member's account is cancelled and the member cannot login to the site, or access any protected content.

(3) Locked – The member's account is locked, meaning they are unable to login to the site or access any protected content until the account is unlocked.

(4) Paused –  Paused is a special status used on sites that offer drip content, meaning content that unlocks over time. It is an alternative cancellation status where the member can still access all protected content up to the point of cancellation. If your membership site has a drip content schedule, paused members will not get access to content that becomes available after their account is paused.

(5) Overdue – A member's account becomes overdue when subscription payment for a membership cannot be processed, for example, because of a declined or expired credit card.

(6) Pending Activation – When a new member submits a checkout form their account will automatically be created with a status of pending activation. The account will remain in this status until payment is processed successfully, at which point the account status will be switched to active. When an account is pending activation, a member cannot login to the membership site.

(7) Error – Accounts enter error status when there is an failure during the initial purchase process. In most cases, it indicates that the attempt to process payment was declined. Further information is usually available in Member Details.

(8) Expired – Some memberships are configured with time-limited access, which is known as expiration. When a membership expires, the member will will no longer be able to log in or access any protected content.

(9) Pending Cancellation – A “red clock” icon is displayed when a member who has an active subscription requests to cancel or pause it, indicating their account has been placed in pending cancellation status. Accounts in this status have all the same privileges as an active account.

Pending cancellation accounts will automatically cancel or pause when the cancellation date arrives. The cancellation date is determined at the time cancellation is requested, and is generally the date their next rebill would have occurred.

For example, if a member's subscription bills monthly, and they cancel halfway through the month, their cancellation date will be set for approximately 15 days in the future. If their subscription rebills annually and they cancel 3 months after their payment, the date will be set approximately 9 months in the future.
Searching for Members

Manage Members allows you to search for members that meet your desired criteria. Clicking on the Advanced Search button displays search options:

Search BySelect between Registration Date and Status Changed Date. This field governs which column is displayed in the results, and selects which date the From and To fields will search.
From / ToTo search for a date range, enter dates in one or both fields.
Member IDSearch for a specific Member / WordPress User ID. This field returns only exact matches.
First Name
Last Name
Search for a member's first or last name. These fields are case-insensitive, and return any results containing the entered characters.
EmailSearch for an email address. The field is case-insensitive, and return any results that contain the characters you enter.
Membership LevelsSelect membership levels to limit your search to members with those levels.
Membership StatusSelect from the various member statuses to filter by member status.
BundlesSearch for members with the selected bundles. By default, this option returns members who are currently able to access bundle content, but you can filter by specific bundle status if desired.
Bundle Status
(MM 3.0.6+)
Select from the various bundle statuses to return only members with bundles in those statuses. Note that you must have selected bundles to search by bundle status. For example, to search members with any bundle in Active status, first select all bundles in the Bundles list, then choose Active in the Bundle Status list.
(MM 3.0.6+)
Search for members by active product. A product is considered active if it has not been cancelled, meaning single-payment and completed payment-plan products are active, but cancelled subscriptions and cancelled payment-plans are not. This field is useful when you have a single membership level attached to multiple products, such as monthly and yearly rebilling, and would like to locate members with particular billing arrangements.
CountrySearch for members with billing addresses in the selected countries.
Custom FieldsMemberMouse supports searching by as many as two custom fields simultaneously. Select the custom field you wish to search by, and then enter the search string. Searches are case-insensitive and will return any results containing the characters you enter.

For checkbox custom fields, search for mm_cb_on to identify accounts where the checkbox was marked, and mm_cb_off for accounts where the checkbox was cleared.
NotesSearch administrative notes, which are entered in Member Details on the General tab. Searches are case-insensitive, and will return any results containing the characters you enter.
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