In MemberMouse, membership levels are one of two structures that you may use to protect your content. For more information about membership levels, please see our Membership Levels Overview article.
To manage your membership levels, please open MemberMouse > Product Settings, and select the Membership Levels tab.
Each membership level has a number of settings that control its behavior. For a detailed description of each setting, please see the Membership Level Options section at the bottom of this article.
Creating a Membership Level
A new membership level may be created by clicking the Create Membership Level button. This will open a dialog box containing all of the options available for the level.
Alternatively, you may duplicate a membership level by clicking the ‘duplicate' icon in the Actions column for the existing level. This will open the membership level options dialog, and all settings will be prefilled from the original level (Available MM 2.4.1+).
When duplicating a membership level, note that content protection settings are not automatically duplicated; to copy these settings, use the Copy Drip Content Schedule feature.
After configuring the membership level, click the Save Membership Level button to save your settings.
Editing a Membership Level
Locate the membership level you wish to edit in the list. On the right side, in the Actions column, click the edit icon to open the membership level options dialog.
Most properties may be edited freely, but care should be exercised to prevent unwanted effects. Changes in the Bundles and Protected Categories sections are applied to all members with the membership level, current and future. Other options, such as WordPress Role and Welcome Email settings only apply to members created in the future.
Expiry setting generally should not be adjusted once a membership level has active members, but there are exceptions when the expiry period was incorrectly configured. If you feel you need to adjust this setting for a membership level with active members, please contact our support team for detailed information on how changes will impact current and future members.
IMPORTANT: When you select new entries in the Protected Categories section, you are protecting an entire post category, and changes will be applied immediately. Please ensure you do not accidentally select post categories that are intended to be publicly accessible.
Deleting a Membership Level
Membership levels that are not in use may be deleted. A membership level is considered to be in use if it is connected to a product, used to protect content, is a default level, or if any existing members are currently on the membership level. This includes inactive members, such as members in Cancelled status.
Locate the membership level you wish to delete on the list. If the delete icon is red, simply click the icon in the row of the membership level you would like to delete. If the delete icon is grey, this means that the membership level is in use, and one or more of the following needs to be performed:
- Search and delete any members still signed up for the membership level in the manage members page
- Edit the membership level and deselect any bundles or post categories
- Disconnect the membership level from any products by setting its type to Free
- Ensure that this membership level is not the the Default Membership Level for Purchasing, if this level is specified, choose another level from the list
- Ensure that this membership level is not the default free membership level. The default free membership level is denoted by an orange flag on the membership levels list. At least one default free membership level must exist, and the default level cannot be deleted. To delete this level, please select another free membership level as the default
- Search and delete any content still protected under the membership level in the drip content schedule tab. If there is still content protected under this membership level you will need to remove access through the pages and posts
Customers with MemberMouse 2.4.0+ may find it easier to simply hide a membership level that is no longer used, rather than deleting it.
Filtering Membership Levels (Available MM2.4.0+)
You can use the membership levels filter to show/hide all membership levels that have been marked as hidden.
Visible membership levels may be hidden by clicking the ‘red closed eye' button in the Actions column, and hidden membership levels can be made visible by clicking the ‘blue open eye' button. When changing the visibility of a membership level, you'll be prompted to set the level active or inactive. Typically, hidden membership levels are not being used, and would be set Inactive to prevent any new members from being created on the level, and existing members from switching to the level.
Search and Bulk Operations (Available MM2.4.1+)
Existing membership levels can be searched and modified via the bulk operations toolbar, located at the top-right of the tab:
The Search input allows you to search for membership levels by name. It is not case-sensitive, and will return any levels with names that contain the characters you enter.
To perform a bulk operation on several membership levels, start by selecting the target levels. Selection checkboxes are provided in the leftmost column of the list. Next, select the action you wish to perform in the Bulk Actions drop-down. The following actions are available:
- Show – Selected hidden levels will be set as visible
- Hide – Selected visible levels will be set as hidden
- Set Status to Active – Selected levels will be set active, meaning they are purchasable
- Set Status to Inactive – Selected levels will be set inactive, preventing future purchases
- Delete – MemberMouse will attempt to delete the selected levels
After choosing an action, click the Apply button, and the chosen action will be applied to all selected membership levels. When the actions are completed, a summary dialog will be displayed.
For bulk delete operations, note that a membership level may not be deleted while it has members, protects content, is the default purchasable level, or is the default free membership level. Membership levels must be disconnected from any product before deletion by setting their type as Free. For more information, please see our article on Deleting Membership Levels.
Membership Level Options

Name | The name of the membership level is visible when customers are on the checkout page. |
Status | Indicate whether the membership level is Active (customers can currently sign up) or Inactive (customers cannot sign up). Setting a membership level to inactive will have no impact on existing members who are already associated with the membership level. It will simply keep new members from signing up with that membership level. |
WordPress Role | Specify the WordPress role you want to assign to members with this membership level. Their WordPress role will be set to the role you specify when they first join or when their membership level is changed. If you don't want MemberMouse to set or change the member's WordPress role when they sign up for this membership level then select the ‘Don't set or change role' option. |
Membership Type | Indicate whether the membership level is Free or Paid. |
Free Membership Description (Free Membership Levels Only) | When the membership type is set to Free, a description text box is displayed. This description will be displayed in checkout forms when the MM_Form_Data name='productDescription' SmartTag is used. Learn how to use MM_Form_Data SmartTag in this article. |
Products (Paid Membership Levels Only) | ![]() When the membership type is set to Paid, a list of available products is displayed. Select the product(s) you want to be associated with the membership level. When a customer purchases that product, the membership level will be applied to their account. Each product can only be associated with one membership level, but a membership may have multiple products. For example, you can have a membership level associated with two products, one that pays monthly and another that pays annually. |
Default Product (Paid Membership Levels Only) | If a customer is purchasing a product, that product determines the price of the membership level. If the customer is purchasing a membership level directly, then a customer will be prompted to pay for the default product. For example, by setting the Premium Membership's Default Product to Full Access, when the customer purchases the Premium membership level, the system will know to charge the price of the product Full Access. This is important because membership levels do not have prices, only products do. |
Expiry Settings (Optional) | ![]() Here you can specify if this membership level should expire after a certain number of days, weeks or months. Note: If you have your product set up to be a recurring subscription, there is not a need to set your membership level to expire. With a recurring subscription, if a payment is missed, MM will handle canceling the membership automatically. But if you have a recurring subscription product, and a membership level that is set to expire, you will create a conflict where a member continues to get billed, but they can no longer login to their account to cancel the subscription. |
Welcome Email | ![]() Click the check box to send a welcome email to customers who sign up for this membership level. Learn to Create a Welcome Email in this article |
Bundles (Optional) | Choose a bundle(s) to include with this membership level. Assigning bundles means that any customer who purchases this membership level will also get access to whatever content is protected by the bundles you select. Note: When you assign a bundle to a membership, the bundle is considered by MemberMouse to be a part of the membership and is not counted individually in reporting criteria. For example, when a Gold Membership is purchased that has been assigned the Gold Bundle, then the Gold Membership will have one more subscriber, but the Gold Bundle subscribers will remain unchanged. See the Assigned vs. Purchased Bundles article for further explanation. |
Protected Categories (Optional) | ![]() Choose the WordPress categories that should automatically be protected by this membership level. By selecting one or more categories here, any WordPress post that is associated with one of the selected categories will automatically be protected. |