Before reading this article, make sure that you have configured MemberMouse using the instructions for your chosen provider listed in the Email Integration Overview article. If you are coming to MemberMouse with existing members, read the Importing Existing Members Into a Mailing List article to learn how to best handle these user lists.
After you've configured your email service provider in the Email Integrations tab, and click the Configure button, you will be presented with options for mapping your membership levels in MemberMouse to specific mailing lists you have created with your email service provider.
By mapping the prospect, cancellation, and membership level mailing lists, MemberMouse will automatically update the lists when specific changes happen to members on your site.
Please note that members who existed prior to this configuration and/or who were imported to the list will not be registered through MemberMouse and cannot automatically be added, changed or removed from the mapped mailing lists and must be updated manually.
Also, any changes to the email provider or provider account will reset the registered mailing list in MemberMouse, so any existing members will have to be changed or removed manually. Only users registered after the change will be able to be added or updated automatically.
Special List Mappings
- Prospect List (optional): While this list is not generated by MemberMouse, if you have an email campaign targeting a list of prospective members, (such as a newsletter or other potential member list) you can map that here.
The benefit to mapping the Prospect List is that when someone on this list signs up for any membership level in MemberMouse, they will automatically be removed from this list and no longer receive any potential member email communication sent to the Prospect List. If your membership levels have been mapped to mailing lists as well, after being removed from the Prospect List, new members will automatically be added to the appropriate mailing list for that membership level. - Cancellation List (optional): When the status of a member's membership changes to canceled, paused or expired, they can be moved to a specific mailing list for canceled members. Simply specify the mailing list you wish to use for canceled members.
Membership Level Mappings
To map your membership levels to a mailing list, simply select the mailing list from the drop down on the right that corresponds to the membership level you want to associate with it. Mapping is optional. You can leave it set to None if you do not want to map it to a mailing list. When a membership level is mapped to a mailing list, MemberMouse will automatically add members to that list when they sign up for the associated membership level.
Once you have mapped your membership level to mailing lists as desired, simply click the Save Settings button to update your settings.
Note: Now that you've mapped your membership levels to mailing lists in your email service provider, going forward all members that sign up through MemberMouse will be automatically processed by MemberMouse and added to the appropriate mailing list. These users will also be automatically switched to and/or removed from the appropriate lists during membership level changes or cancellations.
If a member updates their user information on the My Account page, or if an administrator updates a user's information via the Manage Member area, such as their name or email, MemberMouse will recognize this change and update the information within your email integration automatically.
If you're not seeing the list mappings or list changes are not appearing as expected:
- Make sure that you don't have any special characters in the mailing list names on your email service provider.
- Verify the provider API keys are correct.
- Check that the affected users were registered after the account was configured in MemberMouse.