SmartTags™ Overview

MemberMouse SmartTags™ Overview

SmartTags™ are shortcodes that allow you to add all kinds of functionality to your WordPress pages without having to know anything about programming.

SmartTags™ allow you to:

  1. Dynamically display content based on member attributes

  2. Display account and user data including custom fields dynamically based on the logged in member

  3. Target upsell and downsell offers dynamically based on the referring affiliate, order or member attributes

  4. Create dynamic forms that show or hide input sections based on the associated product attributes

  5. Display description, billing and shipping information specific to the associated product

  6. Create Smart Links with features like 1-click ordering if the user has a stored payment profile, and directing other users to the checkout page

SmartTags™ put you in the driver's seat. You can even put a decision tag on a MemberMouse email, confirmation page or thank you page and display relevant products after a purchase. The possibilities are endless.

Because MemberMouse functions as part content-protection system and part CRM, you get unparalleled flexibility to display dynamic content such as first name, last name, products ordered, membership level, referring affiliate and more. SmartTags™ allow you to be creative and customize your website and sales process in ways that other membership plugins and CRM platforms simply can't match.

Below is a list of different kinds of SmartTags™ that can be used inside of MemberMouse. Click on a SmartTag™ below to get more information:

MemberMouse SmartTags™
Content SmartTags™

MM_Content_Data – This tag outputs data associated with the page/post with the ID passed or the current page/post.

MM_Content_Link – This tag outputs the link associated with the page/post with the ID passed or the current page/post.

Core Page SmartTags™

MM_CorePage_Link – This tag outputs the link to a core page based on the type attribute passed. In order to become a functional link, this tag should be used in conjunction with an anchor tag (<a>), a button tag (<button>) or some other method of executing a link.

For certain core page types, this link is dynamically generated based on the account information of the logged in member. For example, you can create a different home page for each membership level, the core page link of type homepage will automatically output the appropriate URL based on your configuration and the account information of the logged in member.

Custom Field SmartTags™

MM_CustomField_Data – This tag outputs data associated with the custom field associated with the ID passed.

Decision SmartTags™

MM_Access_Decision – This tag is used to show or hide content based on the currently logged in member's access rights to a particular page/post. MemberMouse's default content protection scheme is to hard-block pages that are protected. This means that if a non-member tries to view a protected page, they'll be redirected to an error page. Access_Decision tags provide you with an opportunity to expose portions of protected content based on the visitor's access rights. Within a single page, you could have teaser content for non-members and protected content for paying members. By using the Access_Decision tag with different access types you can tailor the visitor's experience on the page.

IMPORTANT NOTE: As soon as you use Access_Decision access='false' or Access_Decision access='future' on a page/post, you're instructing MemberMouse to bypass the standard hard-block protection mechanism.

This means that as soon as you use one of these tags, any content outside of a Access_Decision access=” tag, will be visible to anyone who can access the page. For example, when you use the Access_Decision access='false' tag on a page, you're instructing MemberMouse to allow everyone to access that page and that you'll control what they can see by placing content within the appropriate Access_Decision access=” tag.

Placing content outside of the Access_Decision access=” tag gives you an opportunity to insert content that everyone should see while only entering it once, but just be aware that it will not be protected and everyone can see it.

MM_Affiliate_Decision – This tag is used to show or hide content based on affiliate information associated with the current visitor. For example, you can use it to only show a special offer to leads that come from a particular affiliate.

MM_Custom_Decision – This tag is used to show or hide content based on custom information associated with the current visitor. Custom attributes are created dynamically whenever you pass querystring parameters to a URL on your MemberMouse site.

For example, if you visit this URL, MemberMouse will automatically create two custom attributes called ‘offer' and ‘source'. Now you can create dynamic areas across your site that show/hide content based on the values stored in those attributes.

MM_Member_Decision – This tag is used to show or hide content based on information associated with the currently logged in member. For example, you can use it to only show an advertisement to free members or to display messaging to members whose account is paused.

MM_Order_Decision – This tag is used to show or hide content based on information associated with the current order. This tag can only be used on a Checkout Form (Form type='checkout'…/MM_Form) or on a confirmation core page.

MM_Order_Subdecision – This tag behaves the same way as the Order_Decision tag but it used when you want to nest a section within another section. See the MM_Order_Decision documentation for details.

Employee SmartTags™

MM_Employee_Data – This tag outputs data associated with the employee account associated with the ID passed. If not ID is passed either the default account is used or, if the tag is used in the context of a welcome email or other email template, the employee account used to send that message is used.

Error SmartTags™

MM_Error_Message – This tag can only be used on the Error core page. It outputs an error message based on the type of error that occurred.

Form SmartTags™

MM_Form – This tag is the primary tag required for inserting a form into a page. Using this tag alone won't result in anything being rendered to the screen for the user to see. Its function is to specify the form type and provide any default parameters to all form tags contained within this tag so that MemberMouse knows how to process them. This tag is meant to be used in conjunction with other form tags.

MM_Form_Button – This tag is used in conjunction with the MM_Form tag. You use it to create buttons that perform actions relevant to the form. More specifically, it outputs a URL that can be placed in the href attribute of an HTML anchor tag so when the link is clicked the appropriate action will be executed. Depending on the type of the parent form, different button types are supported.

MM_Form_Data – This tag is used in conjunction with the MM_Form tag. It outputs data related to the form being filled out. Depending on the type of the parent form, different data elements are supported.

MM_Form_Field – This tag is used in conjunction with the MM_Form tag. It outputs form fields that the user can interact with to enter in data.

MM_Form_Message – This tag is used in conjunction with the MM_Form tag. It is used to display messages on the screen relevant to the current form. Depending on the type of the parent form, different message types are supported.

MM_Form_Section – This tag is used in conjunction with the MM_Form tag. It is used to identify sections of content that have a certain significance within the current form. Identifying the content allows MemberMouse to perform specific actions that enhnace the user experience. For example, on a checkout form by using this tag to create a shipping info section, MemberMouse can dynamically show or hide the shipping information based on if the product being purchased is shippable. This ensures that the user will see only those fields which are necessary for them to fill out based on their unique situation.

MM_Form_Subsection – This tag behaves the same way as the MM_Form_Section tag but it used when you want to nest a section within another section. See the MM_Form_Section documentation for details.

Member SmartTags™

MM_Member_Data – This tag outputs data associated with the currently logged in member.

MM_Member_Link – This tag outputs the link that a member can interact with to perform different account-related actions such as cancelling their membership or pausing a bundle they have active on their account. In order to become a functional link, this tag should be used in conjunction with a anchor tag (<a>), a button tag (<button>) or some other method of executing a link.

Order SmartTags™

MM_Order_Data – This tag outputs data associated with an order that was just placed. Order Data SmartTags™ can only be used on confirmation core pages.

MM_Purchase_Link – This tag outputs the link that a member can interact with to purchase a product or sign up for a free membership level. In order to become a functional link, this tag should be used in conjunction with a anchor tag (<a>), a button tag (<button>) or some other method of executing a link. Either a product ID or a membership level ID should be specified to indicate what the member is purchasing or signing up for. If neither are specified, then it will serve as a sign up link for the default membership level.

Product SmartTags™

MM_Product_Data – This tag outputs data associated with the product ID passed.

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