Use bbPress Extension to create a forum

bbPress was built by the creators of WordPress and provides forum functionality for your WordPress site. Using the bbPress extension, you'll be able to protect bbPress forums based on a member's access rights in MemberMouse. In order to use the bbPress extension plugin both bbPress and MemberMouse must be installed and activated.

Follow the steps below to use the bbPress extension:
  1. Download, install and activate the bbPress extension plugin.

  2. Make sure the bbPress plugin is activated and click on the Forums menu.

  3. Create a new forum or click on an existing forum that you want protected.

  4. On right side of the page, locate the MM Forum Protection module.

  5. Check the box to enable protection on this forum.

  6. Under Grant Access to Membership Levels, select the membership level(s) you want to be able to access this forum. You can select multiple membership levels by using ctrl + click on a PC and  (Command key) + click on a Mac.

  7. Under Grant Access to Bundles, select the bundle(s) you want to be able to access this forum. You can select multiple bundles by using ctrl + click on a PC and  (Command key) + click on a Mac.

  8. Next, you can specify a URL to redirect unauthorized users to if they attempt to access this forum. Check the Redirect unauthorized users box and enter in a URL.

  9. Click the Update button to save your settings.

Now that you've protected this forum, when unauthorized users visit the forum index page they'll see a  ‘lock' icon next to the forums they don't have access to and if they attempt to view protected forums they'll be redirected to the URL configured in the forum protection settings.

Deleting a Member

If you choose to delete a MemberMouse member who has made posts to your bbPress forums, their posts/forums/replies/comments will all remain on the website. The only effect is that the original author of those posts/forums/replies/comments gets switched to “Anonymous”.

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