How to Sell Your Courses

Be sure to read through the Getting Started with Courses for MemberMouse documentation before continuing on.

Controlling Access to Your Courses

New courses will be publicly available by default.  If you would like to restrict the courses by membership level or bundle, you can set these permissions within each course.

For more detailed instructions on setting access rights in MemberMouse, see our article on how to Protect and Schedule Content

Selling Courses Individually

One of the most common approaches to selling access to Courses is by using bundles.  This way your members can purchase individual courses at any time, without altering their membership level.

If you are unfamiliar with creating Bundles, you can visit our Create a Bundle article to learn more.  For paid bundles, you will also need to Create a Product and attach it to the bundle.

Once you have created a Bundle, attached your product if needed, and set the course Access Rights through the bundle…  That's it!  Now when your guests or unauthorized members try to view this Course on your site, they'll be redirected to the Checkout Page where they can register for the Course. 

Selling Courses as a Package

Another common need is to sell multiple courses as a Package. For example, let's say a member buys your Platinum membership, and included with that Platinum Membership is access to all of your Courses.

There may be multiple approaches to this configuration, but a simple and reliable approach is to protect each course with the Platinum membership using Access Rights, as described in the steps at the start of the document. Be sure to add the appropriate Purchase Link to the Sales Page URL as described in the previous steps. 

Now when your guests or unauthorized members try to view this Course on your site, they'll be redirected to the Checkout Page, where they can register for the Platinum membership and receive access to each protected course.

Adding the Sales Page URL

If you choose to protect your courses with Access Rights, you will also need to set up the Sales Page URL in your Course settings. If the course is open to the public, you can skip this step. 

The Sales Page URL is where your users will be redirected to if they don't have access to the course they are trying to view.  You can add your Static Purchase Link from the appropriate Product that you set in your Access Rights from the previous step, or you can direct them to a custom page of your choosing. 

The Purchase Link SmartTag will not work in this field, so if you are using the purchase link, please be sure to use the Static Link like the one in the below screenshot example.


Note:  As always, be sure to test as a logged-out guest and logged-in test member to ensure things are working as you might expect.

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