
Common Issues

Solutions for some common issues

Cancellation Link Not Working

Question I have installed MemberMouse plugin on a website, to cancel a Membership, I've placed this link: <a href="[ MM_Member_Link...

Issue Caused by HTTP / HTTPS Switching

The WordPress auth cookie is not retained when switching between HTTP and HTTPS. If you have a situation where an...

Prove Your Humanity Question on Login

Question When I log in via the MemberMouse login form I'm taken to a screen where I'm asked to prove...

Install or Activation Error – parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION

The T_FUNCTION error usually occurs when an unsupported version of PHP is installed on the server. MemberMouse requires PHP 7.4 to...

Engagement Statistics or Page Access Not Tracking

If page access or login events aren't being tracked in your activity log this could be as a result of...

Whitespace Showing Up on Checkout Page

Problem There's a lot of whitespace showing up at the top of the checkout page. When looking at the HTML...

Fields Showing Up Blank on My Account Page

Problem When I click the Update button on the My Account page, the dialog pops up, but all the fields are empty....

WPML plugin interferes with installation – no core pages

In order to fully install MemberMouse on a site that also has the WPML plugin, you must first deactivate that...

Core Pages Were Accidentally Deleted

Whoops! You will definitely need your Core Pages in order for the plugin to function properly. Good news is that...

WP_User -> ID Notice Being Displayed on Login Page

Problem You see a notice on the WordPress login page regarding WP_User->ID being deprecated. Solution Check your wp-config.php file and make sure debugging is...