Member Details

Member Details Overview

The member details area allows you to view and make changes to details associated with a member's account. You can...

Transactions Overview

What is the Transactions View? The transactions view is a section in the Member Details area that displays payment-related activity for each...

Access Rights Overview

What is the Access Rights tab? The Access Rights tab allows you to make changes to a member's account. You may...

Add Affiliate Info to Existing Transaction or Subscription

PRO PLAN + If you are on the Pro Plan or higher, then you can adjust the affiliate information on...

Allow Members to Change their Username

By default, WordPress doesn't allow users to change their username once their account is created. MemberMouse bypasses this restriction and...

Allow Members to Create a Custom Username During Signup

If you want members to be able to create a custom username when they're signing up, first you have to make...

Automatically Uncheck ‘Remember Me’ Box on Login Page

On the login page, the ‘Remember Me‘ checkbox is checked by default. If you would like this checkbox to be unchecked by...

Bill Card On File

If you encounter a billing issue with a recurring payment, one way to resolve this is to cancel and then...

Bulk Delete Members

MemberMouse versions 2.4.1 and above have a bulk delete option for when you have an abundance of test members, spam...

Change a Member’s Account Status