2.2.0 Release Notes

Installation/Upgrade Information

View this article for step-by-step instructions on upgrading MemberMouse.

Not all features available on all plans. To view our current list of plans and features, visit our Plans Page.

  • Complete redesign of the MemberMouse plugin dashboard and user interface.
  • WordPress 3.9.1 Support. Starting with this version of WordPress, the visual editor has been modified in a such a way that it is automatically removing CSS includes from core page templates when a page is edited. In response to this, we've created a configuration area where you can indicate if you want to use MemberMouse's built-in CSS. When these boxes are checked off, MemberMouse will automatically include the CSS file when core pages are loaded. Learn more.
  • Added a subscriptions tab to the member details area so that active subscriptions can be viewed and managed directly. From here you can cancel a subscription along with associated access rights, cancel a subscription only and leave the associated access rights or modify the next rebill date. Learn more.
  • Added functionality for automatically prorating the first membership subscription charge when a customer upgrades to a new membership. When this feature is enabled, MemberMouse will determine how much the customer has remaining on their current subscription and will automatically apply this as a credit to the first charge on the membership they're switching to. This feature is configurable and is disabled by default for exiting MemberMouse installs upgrading to MM 2.2.0. To enable automatic prorations you'll need to enable it. Learn more.
  • Integrated with Coinbase to support accepting Bitcoin payments. Learn more.
  • Added social login functionality with support for Twitter, Facebook and Google+. Using social login customers can sign up for a free membership level using their existing account on one of the supported providers. Note that this doesn't have an effect on or interfere with the current methods of sign up. Customers will continue to be able to sign up for free and paid membership levels via the MemberMouse checkout form and the free member webform. Learn more.
  • Reporting Suite – The reporting suite will present the important metrics needed on a site, including sales, customer value, churn, channel sales and more. These reports will provide powerful insights to reliably and predictably increase revenues. Learn More.
  • Adjusted the default checkout page to be Responsive web design (RWD), which will allow sites to provide an optimal viewing experience easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling across a wide range of devices. Learn More.
  • Added the ability to restrict an employee account's access to one or more membership levels. This means that employees with restricted access will only be able to view and manage customers who have a membership level that they are authorized to work with. Learn more.
  • Partnered with UserVoice to develop an official MemberMouse gadget. This gadget allows you to see your member's information including their membership level, how long they been a member, etc. right from within UserVoice while looking at tickets. Learn more.
  • Added affiliate events to the activity log which allows you to see how MemberMouse is communicating with a native affiliate integration such as iDevAffiliate. Learn more.
  • Added support for coupon code commissioning and IP address tracking to iDevAffiliate integration. Learn more.
  • Added a membershipLevel Id attribute to the MM_Form SmartTag so that checkout forms can be set by default to a particular membership level. This is useful if you want to create a free member sign up form somewhere on your site. Learn more.
  • Added a customAttributes attribute to the MM_Form_Field SmartTag. This attribute can be used to add additional HTML attributes to the HTML input field generated by MemberMouse. Whatever is set in this attribute will be added to the HTML verbatim. Learn more.
  • Bug fixes.
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