MemberMouse Glossary of Core Features

Welcome to the MemberMouse Glossary of Core Features! 

Below are the foremost foundational elements of the plugin. Set yourself up for success by reviewing each definition in the outline and learning how they work together. 

The Big Three

Membership Level

Membership Levels function as the base access allowing users to login to their their account and view any associated protected content on your MemberMouse site. Each member can only have one Membership Level added to an account at a time. As a result, changing the Membership Level is considered an upgrade or downgrade of the member’s account, and MemberMouse will automatically make the appropriate changes in billing, including Prorating the Membership Subscription if that option is selected, and adjusting content access. Even though utilizing Membership Levels is not a requirement, every customer registered on your site will at least be given the default free Membership Level.


Bundles are another avenue for members to gain access to protected content on your site. They may be used either in conjunction with Membership Levels, or on their own. In contrast to Membership Levels where there can only be one per account, Bundles can function as add-ons, and members can purchase unlimited Bundles on their account to gain additional access to content without losing any previous access. For this reason, Bundles are perfect to use for offering additional subscriptions, free content, and one-time purchases.


Products play two important roles. The first is allowing you to specify the payment terms for content or physical goods. The second is linking to a Membership Level or Bundle so when the Product is purchased, the content in the Bundle or Membership Level will be delivered to the member. You may only add a single product to one item, however you can have multiple Products associated with the same Membership Level or Bundle in order to offer various pricing options for the same content.

Website Flow


You will use WordPress Pages or Posts to store all the content you wish to protect. Then you will use MemberMouse to protect either the entire page/post or a just a section using SmartTags.

Purchase Links allow customers to sign up as a member to your site and make purchases. Whether you create a Product linked to a Membership Level or Bundle or a free Membership Level or Bundle, a static Purchase Link and a SmartTag purchase link are automatically generated in MemberMouse. This link passes product and pricing information to the Checkout page allowing the customer to complete the transaction. SmartTag Purchase Links can be used anywhere on your site adding 1-Click functionality to existing customers with card-on-file Payment Methods Overview profiles, and static Purchase Links can also be used off your site as well. When a customer clicks on the link, they will be directed to the Checkout page to purchase the appropriate Product.

Free Member Signup Form

This feature is a simple checkout form configured for free memberships because it does not collect billing information from the member. This can be added anywhere on your site.

Core Pages

Core Pages are specific pages (delineated by an orange flag on the WordPress pages screen) that come with the MemberMouse plugin to ensure proper function. There are global Core Pages that will be used by all members, and there are also access-specific Core Pages that can be duplicated and associated with a Membership Level, Bundle or Product. All global Core Pages come pre-designed with a CSS stylesheet that can be turned off or customized to fit your theme and personal needs.

Checkout – Customers are directed to the Checkout core page when they click on a purchase link. By default, all members are directed to the same core Checkout page whether they are purchasing a paid product or signing up for a free membership. The page dynamically adjusts based on the product information provided by the Purchase Link and whether the member is logged in.

Confirmation – Members are directed to the Confirmation core page after submitting the form on the Checkout core page. There is one default Confirmation core page for all members designed to dynamically display the order information of the product purchased. You may create additional Confirmation pages tailored to the purchase of specific products.

Login – Members enter their username/email and password on the Login page to access protected content. You may add a link to the Login page anywhere on your site. With most modern themes, you will be able to use the login/logout feature which dynamically adds a login or logout link to the main navigation menu based on whether the customer is logged in or not. 

Forgot Password – The Forgot Password page is accessed by clicking the “forgot password” link on the login page. This page asks for the email address of the member so a reset password email can be sent. 

Reset Password – When a member enters in their email on the Forgot Password core page, an email is sent to them with a unique link. By clicking this link, the member is directed to the Reset Password core page where they will create a new password. 

Member Home – The member is directed to the Member Home core page after they login which makes it ideal for including links to protected content and providing other information specific to members. There is one default Member Home core page for all members and you can optionally Create other Member Home Pages tailored to specific Membership Levels.

My Account – Members utilize the My Account core page to view and manage their account information, such as, general account details, billing and shipping information, current subscriptions and order history. Members can also cancel active subscriptions or change their credit card information from this page. You may put a link for the My Account core page anywhere on your site including the menu.

Save-the-Sale – A member is directed to the Save-the-Sale core page when they click on a Membership Level cancellation link. This page provides you with an opportunity to make a special offer to the member prior to their cancellation.

Logout – When a member clicks the Logout link, they are directed to the Logout core page. This page logs the member out of the site and displays a confirmation message. There is one default Logout core page. You may create additional Logout pages tailored to specific Membership Levels which can be useful if you want to display specific information to members based on their Membership Level after they've been logged out. You may add a link to this page anywhere on your site using the appropriate SmartTag or take advantage of the login/logout feature to dynamically display the link in your menu depending on whether the member is already logged in or out.

Error – All members are directed to one Error core page when they attempt to view a page that they do not currently have access to. This page will automatically output a relevant error message based on the specific error scenario that occurred. You may Customize Error Messages on the Error Core Page

Personalize It

Push Notification

Push Notifications are designed to send emails, connect with Zapier or call a custom script when specific events occur in MemberMouse. You will select an event, such as Payment Received, and then specify an action such as: send an email to a member, send an email to someone on your team, connect with Zapier to trigger an integration with over 500 applications, or call a custom script in order to perform a custom action.


SmartTags™ are shortcodes that perform dynamic actions on your site without the use of programming. We have an extensive list of SmartTags with many capabilities, click here for details. For example, you may use a SmartTag to include member information, such as their first name using the MM_Member_Data SmartTag or to display content specific to a member’s Membership Level using the MM_Member_Decision SmartTag.

Protect It

Grant Access

When editing a page or post, you may protect it under a Membership Level or Bundle by utilizing the Grant Access feature. You may also schedule, or drip, your content to be released over time, determined by the number of days someone has been a member. For example, you may release content on the first day of the membership and then again on the seventh day. Once protected, the page or post will redirect non-members, or any member without the appropriate access rights, to the Error core page.

Drip Content Schedule

Dripped Content refers to the content scheduled to be released to your members over time. The Drip Content Schedule is an organizational tool that allows you to view all the pages and/or posts you have protected across all Membership Levels and Bundles. Even if you do not plan to time release your content, the Drip Content Schedule is a great tool to quickly manage the protection of all your pages or posts under Membership Levels and Bundles.

Access Decision SmartTag™

If a non-member tries to view a protected page, traditionally they are redirected to the Error core page. In order to display teaser content to non-members on a protected page, you can use the Access_Decision SmartTag instead of the Grant Access feature. This enables you to tailor the visitor's experience on the page while protecting full access to the content.

Member Decision SmartTag™

These SmartTags are used to show or hide content based on the member’s account information. For example, you may use the Member_Decision SmartTag to show an advertisement to free members only, or to display specific messaging to members whose account is paused.

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